Pregnancy and Digestive Systems Disorders
Feb 1st, 2011 by Aldouspi

Pregnancy and Digestive System Disorders

There is no time that is more joyful, exciting, and fraught with wonder and cause of digestive system disorders than pregnancy. Nausea, vomiting, constipation, and also diarrhea and associated dehydration vie with extreme fatigue, swollen angles, and insomnia for the side-effects least looked forward to. Even those who undergo pregnancy repeatedly routinely underestimate the powerful punch that the hormonal changes pack – not only on the mother’s emotional wellbeing but also her physical overall health, and especially the otherwise routinely humming along digestive system.

Pregnancy and digestive system disorders go hand in hand, and while the latter cannot be avoided there are some helpful ways of dealing with the worst of the discomfort.

1. Choose your nutrition wisely and make every bite count. Now is not the time to let lose and eat whatever you feel like since weight management – for once – is not a major concern. Instead, do not invite donuts and Doritos into your house but replace them with sliced carrots, apples, and toasted almonds for snacks. Keep little bags of Cheerios and Kashi cereal close by, and when a snack attack happens, you are well prepared to snack on something that is healthy.
2. Avoid skipping means, even if you do not feel hungry. Remember that while your growing baby may be pressing onto your stomach and giving you the feeling of being full, your failure to eat will cause spikes in your blood sugar which eventually will lead your succumbing to a severe hunger feeling and thus might not be making the best food choice. Even if you are just eating a couple of apple slices with peanut butter and raisins, you are ahead of the game.
3. Rev up on the fiber in your snacks. Prenatal vitamins contain extra iron which will most likely bring on constipation and fiber can keep you regular. Even the individually wrapped prunes currently for sale at grocery stores will work wonders to make up for the added iron in your dietary supplement.
4. Believe it or not, but constipation is one of the digestive system disorders that can be combated by continuing a modified exercise regimen. Speak to your doctor about some exercises appropriate for you at this point in your pregnancy.
5. Continue with your water intake. Not only do you want to remain hydrated, but should you suffer from diarrhea – another one of the digestive system disorders commonly associated with pregnancy – it is vital for you and your baby that you maintain your electrolyte balance and hydration levels.

You most likely have already been warned by your doctor to be very careful when reaching for one of the various over the counter remedies in response to any digestive upset you might be experiencing. It is wise to avoid any over the counter medications unless your physician has approved them ahead of time. Most likely she or he will want you to avoid them altogether and instead will suggest dietary options as a means for relief and also avoidance.

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