Virgin Coconut Oil and Diabetes
Feb 19th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Virgin Coconut Oil and Diabetes

By Debra Stovall

Coconut  Tree

by Technofreak under CC BY-SA  with
Use Virgin Coconut Oil


Diabetes is now the sixth deadliest disease in America. This disease not only kills, it can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, stroke, blindness, and hearing loss. The two major kinds of diabetes are: Type I and Type II. Both types are based on deficient amounts of insulin. Type I diabetics are unable to produce enough insulin, while Type II diabetics produce enough insulin, but their cells are unable to absorb it.

Researchers in clinical studies have discovered that the over-consumption of refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils can lead to the onset of diabetes. Monounsaturated fats don’t seem to adversely affect diabetes, but are also high in calories and have other concerns. Therefore, doctors’ general recommendation, in regards to diabetes, is to limit all fats.

There is one fat that diabetics can eat. That fat is coconut oil.

Virgin coconut oil helps regulate blood sugar which actually lessens the symptoms of diabetes. It also improves insulin secretion and the utilization of blood glucose. Coconut oil also regulates the metabolism which can help with weight loss, which ultimately helps to control the disease.

What makes Virgin Coconut Oil different from other oils like olive oil and sunflower oil? According to’s article on Diabetes and Coconut Oil:

    Regular Oils Can be a Cause of Diabetes

    Most people with diabetes are on strict low fat, high carbohydrate diets in which the limited fats allowed are restricted to polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as olive, safflower, or sunflower oils. However, studies have shown that if the fats consumed are polyunsaturated, long chain fats, this decreases cell’s ability to bind with insulin, and reduces their ability to absorb glucose…especially when these oils are heated during cooking. In other words, polyunsaturated long chain fats, commonly thought to be “healthy”, actually make diabetes WORSE!

    Furthermore, polyunsaturated vegetable oils can cause free radical damage to the cells, and adversely affect their ability to function. The bottom line is that cooking with polyunsaturated vegetable oils, such as sunflower oil and olive oil, should be avoided by people with diabetes.

    Why is Coconut Oil so Beneficial for Diabetes?

    The smaller and more easily absorbed medium chain molecules found in coconut oil supply the cells with essential fatty acids without inhibiting insulin and without glucose, so they combat insulin resistance. Virgin coconut oil is a totally unique super food that serves as an energy boost to the body, without causing a spike in blood sugar levels.

    Learn more:

More good news… Coconut oil can increase your metabolism at even higher levels than protein. As the MCFA’s are absorbed and quickly burned it supplies the cells with much needed energy without the need of enzymes and insulin. Therefore, less stress is put on the pancreas, allowing the organ to function more efficiently.

There are many benefits for using virgin coconut oil for everyone, diabetic or not. For example, according to’s article on Using Virgin Coconut Oil:

    Coconut Oil Contains Lauric Acid

    Coconut oil has particularly high levels of lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid that the body converts to monolaurin, according to Gursche. This substance can help to lower LDL cholesterol, which is directly beneficial to those with diabetes. It also acts as an anti-oxidant and exhibits antiviral, as well as antibacterial activity.

    Read more:

If you or a family member is suffering from diabetes, or pre-diabetes, immediate changes in your diet are necessary to slow down or stop this deadly disease. One of the easiest changes you can make in your diet is to change the oil you use for cooking to coconut oil. Use virgin coconut oil anywhere vegetable oil, shortening and even butter is called for in recipes.

Virgin coconut oil is a food that everyone can benefit from.

Information provided is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.

About the author: Debra S.- Visit her site to learn more about the benefits of coconut oil at [ —- Article Source: —-,-A-Cure-For-Diabetes?&id=3207216

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