Why is Aromatherapy Lavender Oil, A Favorite of So Many?
Mar 25th, 2010 by AldouspiE


Why is Aromatherapy Lavender Oil So Popular?

Even if you don’t know much about aromatherapy, you probably know that lavender is supposed to be soothing and calming when its fragrance is inhaled. When it comes to aromatherapy, lavender is one of the most widely utilized oils out there. It is so popular, in fact, that it is even used for babies. Johnson & Johnson is only one of the name brand companies who makes lavender body and bath products for infants. The most widely recognized use for lavender is for soothing the nerves. Not only is the scent calming, it may also boost the mood.

Some certified aromatherapists, such as Debra Mauldin, recommend lavender essential oil for seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. This is a type of depression that occurs in the winter months. Lavender is also thought to have anxiety relieving properties. Sometimes it is combined with citrus, which makes the most of both the calming properties of lavender and the uplifting properties of citrus. One product to consider is Citrus and Lavender Aromatherapy Shower Steamers. These are used in the shower and release essential oil fragrance into the air.

Heritage Store Essential Oil - Lavender, 4 ozHeritage Store Essential Oil – Lavender, 4 oz

Lavender is known to increase the alpha brain waves associated with states of relaxation and meditation. Add to bathwater for a relaxing soak. Spray on tissues and place with bed linens and lingerie. Lavendula officinale, from French lavender flowers.

Aura Cacia makes a variety of lavender products. Their lavender essential oil is very popular. Add a few drops to your bathwater, or dilute with jojoba oil and use as a moisturizer or even a perfume oil. You might also like the Aura Cacia Aromatherapy Lavender Harvest Oil. This all-natural oil can be applied directly to the skin, used in the bath or used for massage or moisturizing the skin.

Whether you choose a store brand product like one of the lotions or bath products from Aveeno, Johnson & Johnson or one of the other household name companies or something more expensive and high-end like Aura Cacia or Origins, you are sure to enjoy the benefits of lavender oil on the senses.

Because lavender is so calming, it is often used for enhancing sleep. You can find pillow and linen mists, scented neck wraps, pillows and more. In the world of aromatherapy, lavender is popular for many different uses. You can use it as a personal fragrance, a home fragrance, and even for your little one. Pets may even benefit from the calming aroma of lavender. When shopping for aromatherapy products, make sure they contain pure lavender essential oil.

Coppé – My Tears Become Lavender Oil

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