Pilates–Low Impact, Effective Exercise
You could be forgiven for thinking Pilates is just the next ‘buzz word’ of in things for the celebrities to do. But Pilates does work for everyone and you don’t need to have a fortune to get in on the act. Pilates improves your health naturally, low impact exercises teach you about core strength. The core of your body refers to the muscles criss-crossing your abdomen, stomach and sides, and the ones supporting your spine.
Strengthening this area gives you great posture and alignment. Pilates focuses on the body using it’s own weight for resistance, and the majority of the moves are done lying down. Natural health methods must always include caring for your body. Started by Joseph Pilates, various forms have been adopted and adapted. but they are all based on the core strength principal.
The greatest benefits reported by people who use the Pilates system regularly are long, lean muscles, and flexibility. They feel more poised and graceful in everything they do and this level of confidence in their body leads to the inner happiness we all need for good health. Pilates has levels to suit people of any fitness and can be adapted for people who have problem areas like bad knees and backs.
The six principles of centering, control, flow, breath, precision and concentration. Each movement is exacted and technique is very important. It’s not about quantity but about quality and control of body movement. Pilates brings many vital factors to your natural health regime.
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