Diabetes and Blood Pressure Make Dangerous Bedfellows
Jan 15th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Diabetes and Blood Pressure Make Dangerous Bedfellows

Blood pressure goes hand in hand with many major diseases people in the world are facing every day. Having a high or low pressure can be the cause or the symptom of something far worse. One such disease that this applies to is diabetes, and for those who are diabetic, it is extremely important to keep blood pressure as low as possible. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes, and if it’s not controlled it could lead to something that is more dangerous. The reasons for this are many, and knowing them could be the factor that will make many people decide to change their lifestyles to fit their health. That is incredibly important, especially in this day and age, when foods are a leading cause of high blood pressure.

Having high blood pressure puts extra strain on the heart and, of course, on arteries and veins that run throughout the body. In addition to this, it increases the workload of the kidneys. Damage to the kidneys is something that could lead to diabetes, or make the condition worse if a person already has it.Those with diabetes tend to have more trouble with high blood pressure than other people, so it is important that every checkup or doctor visit include a blood pressure check. Early detection of high blood pressure could help keep off a worsening of one’s diabetes condition.

Diabetes is a condition that can cause some massive damage to your kidneys, and having a high blood pressure damages these vital organs as well by damaging the kidney’s small filtering vessels. Heart disease and stroke are also problems that are made worse by both diabetes and high blood pressure. People who develop diabetes are twice as likely to have a stroke or to develop heart problems. It should also go withough saying that having a high blood pressure is going to make the risks skyrocket, because that extra strain on the heart is going to make it easier to fail or falter. Diabetes also increases the buildup of sticky plaque on arterial walls. This makes arteries narrower, which in turn increases blood pressure.

Because diabetes and blood pressure seem to go so well together, it is important for anyone with diabetes to take extra special care of their blood pressure. Having a high blood pressure could mean having problems that could go beyond your control, and which could be incredibly dangerous to your body.

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