Possible Vasectomy Risks and Complications to Be Aware Of
Nov 9th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Possible Vasectomy Risks and Complications to Be Aware Of

Every surgical procedure is not without some risk, no matter how routine it may be fore the doctor. It may sound pass? but everything you do in life is a risk from crossing the street to changing a light bulb. A vasectomy is an elective surgical procedure and chances are when you are thinking about having it done, those probably risks are likely running through your head.

Risk can come in many forms from the possibility of pregnancy using different types of birth control like the pill or condom to the possible bodily reactions of the simple vasectomy surgery. It is up to you to evaluate all options and conduct a personal risk assessment to see whether a vasectomy is right for your lifestyle.

After the vasectomy procedure, most men will feel some discomfort and soreness for several days and this is normal. Bruising and swelling is also a common side effect and should not be cause for distress. While these side effects go away within a few days, it is not uncommon for them to linger up to two weeks. Because the majority on have pain and discomfort for a few days, most vasectomies are scheduled on a Thursday or Friday so that you would have the weekend to recover. To help you with your decision, here are some possible risks or complications you might face with this minor surgery:

1. Allergic Reaction – A very negligible amount of men experience some type of allergic reaction like a rash or hives in response to the anesthetic applied to the scrotal area. After the surgery, anti-histamines usually clear it up.
2. Pain Post-op – It is normal for men to feel pain in the scrotum for a few days after the simple surgery. Unless the pain is intense (which is rare), over the counter pain relievers usually help.
3. Swelling and bruising – As mentioned above, swelling and bruising is normal and may not crop up until a few days after the vasectomy. Wearing an athletic supporter can help ease the ache of the swelling and bruising and applying ice packs also helps reduce them the symptoms too.
4. Infection – As with any type of surgery, there is a slight risk of infection. However, this is rare but can easily be resolved with antibiotics. If the vasectomy procedure used was the no-scalpel technique, the infection risk is negligible.
5. Blood in the semen – While disconcerting, it can be quite normal for blood to be present in your ejaculate. It may take several sessions before the blood is gone.
6. Epididymitis – This is the inflammation of the epididymus, a gland connected to the vas deferens which stores the sperm until ready for transportation to the semen through the vas deferens. Pain from this inflammation can happen up to a year post-surgery and can be easily treated. While painful, the inflammation usually subsides quickly.
7. Risk of Prostate Cancer – Some sources believe that having a vasectomy increases the risk of contracting prostate cancer. However, there are no definitive conclusions to this claim and no direct evidence.

The majority of men who undergo a vasectomy have never had an issue with the procedure and many report satisfaction with their decision of permanent birth control. The best option for you is to evaluate the procedure, consult with a urologist and weight the pros and cons of a vasectomy before making a decision.

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