Aromatherapy Hair Care
Jul 9th, 2011 by AldouspiE

Aromatherapy Hair Care

In today’s society, beautiful healthy hair is a sign of good health. Many people however are letting their long locks suffer from harsh chemicals in their shampoos and conditioners, and over process their hair with permanents, dyes, bleaches, and straighteners. On top of all of the chemicals that our hair has to deal with, many people use blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons. Not only do these tools cause damage, but also many people use them incorrectly adding additional dryness, and damage to the hair shaft. If you have found that your hair lacks the shine and luster that it once has and are looking for a natural solution to cure your hair’s ills, then you may want to consider Aromatherapy for your hair. Aromatherapy is more than just breathing pleasant scents to feel good. Aromatherapy includes the use of healthy herbs for the purpose of healing body, mind, and spirit. You can treat your hair with a variety of Aromatherapy methods that will promote hair growth, stimulate the hair follicles and increase circulation, add shine, body, and bounce to your hair, and nourish your hair with the nutrients that it needs.

Some of the most popular Aromatherapy treatments that may be used on hair include herbal infusions, adding aromatic herbs to your conditioners, and using deep penetrating Aromatherapy herbs for intensive conditioning. There are a variety of hair massage oils that will benefit the hair and increase circulation also.

You can purchase essential oils from a health food store and use them to create all of the Aromatherapy products that your hair needs. Many essential oils are too harsh to use directly on the skin in large quantities. This is because essential oils are concentrated. So remember that when using herbal essential oils, less is more, and you will rarely need large quantities of your selected oil to make your product. You should always read the safety warnings on any herbal essential oil that you purchase and test it on your skin first.

Because the oils are so highly concentrated, they must be added to a “base” or “carrier” first. If you are creating hair oil for the purpose of massage, you may consider choosing Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, or Sweet Almond Oil as your base. Take about four ounces of your carrier oil, and add 3-6 drops of your selected essential oil to the carrier oil. This is a great way to make your own hair massage oils. Some essential oils that you may consider using for scalp and hair massage oil include, Thyme, Cedarwood, Rosemary, and Lavender.

If you are suffering from an itchy scalp, you may find that Peppermint oil is a soothing alternative to over the counter treatments. Peppermint oil is very irritating to the skin in large amounts, so be sure to just use a little bit. It also has very cooling properties, so it will cool the itchiness and calm your skin. For a quick treatment, add 1-2 drops of Peppermint oil to your conditioner and massage it into your scalp. Let sit for 10 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm to cool water. Your scalp will feel revitalized and fresh.

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