Ginger and Migraines – Make Some Ginger Water
Aug 10th, 2017 by Aldouspi

Many successful herbal treatments start like this. Some doctor learn that some plant has been used by some ancient medical tradition like ginger for headaches and figures, ‘hey I got patients with headaches and since this is a safe common spice advises one of their migraine patients to give it a try. At the first sign of a migraine coming on, the patient take their quarter teaspoon of ginger and some water and drinks it down and poof, within a half hour the migraine went away. And it worked every time with no side effects. This is what’s called a case report and it really just a glorified anecdote, but case reports have played and important role in the history of medicine.

AIDS was first discovered through a case report. Some young guy walks into a clinic in Los Angeles with a bad case of thrush and the rest is history. Or reports of an unusual side effect of a failed chest pain drug leads to the billion dollar blockbuster viagra.

Case reports are, maybe, the lowest or weakest form of evidence, but they are often the first line of evidence that can lead to an important breakthrough. Its where everything begins. So a report like this isn’t helpful in and of itself, but it can inspire researchers to put it to the test.

The problem is who’s going to fund it? The market for migraine drugs is worth billions of dollars. A quarter of a teaspoon of ginger costs about a penny. So who would fund a study pitting ginger against the leading migraine drug? No one. Until now.

A double blind randomized controlled clinical trial comparing the efficacy of ginger to sumatriptan, one of the top selling drugs in the world, in the treatment of migraine headaches. They tried using just 1/8 of a teaspoon of powdered ginger versus a good dose of the drug and they both worked – just as well and just as fast. Most of the migraine conditions started moderate or severe before the test, but after administration, most ended up in mild condition or pain free. The same proportion of migraine suffers reported satisfaction with the results either way. So as far as I’m concerned Ginger won.

Not only because its a few billion dollars cheaper, but because there were significantly fewer side effects in the ginger group. The group on the drug reported dizziness, a vertigo effect & heartburn. The only thing reported for ginger was an upset tummy in about 1 in 25 people, though taking a whole tablespoon of ginger on an empty stomach could irritate anyone’s tummy.

This is a word of caution. Sticking to 1/8 teaspoon is not only up to 3000 times cheaper than the drug, but you’re probably less likely to end up as a case report yourself as one of the people that have had a heart attack or died after taking the drug…

If you suffer from migraine – give ginger a try.

Information provided here is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.

As found on Youtube

Making Ginger Water.
Here is how to make ginger water to treat migraine headaches, heartburn, muscle and joint pain. The health benefits of ginger has been known for several centuries – the plant and its roots are rich in essential vitamins and minerals that can be effective in treating many diseases and symptoms. It can also reduce the amount of prostaglandins released by your body. Prostaglandins are responsible for inflammation and work like hormones.

Ginger is abundant in potassium, a mineral that can regulate the heart rate and blood ressure. And is rich in antioxidant which can help you in case of heartburn. Ginger can also relieve headaches as well as migraine symptoms and has a strong anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is substance that can reduce muscles and joint pain.

You can improve your health dramatically and treat many diseases simply by consuming ginger water that can be prepared at home in just one or two minutes.

Here’s what you need:

Ingredients: 2 inches of ginger root, half a lemon, honey and 3 cups of water.

Preparation: Just mix all ingredients in a blender and drink the fresh mixture. Drink this ginger syrup water every day, and watch your health improve soon…

Information provided here is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.

As found on Youtube

Ginger For Sale

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