- All natural. Contains only Dead Sea Mineral Baths and essential oils for fragrance
- Can be used in whirlpool, hot tub or sitz bath. Non-foaming.
- Economical 2# package
- Cruelty-free, no animal testing
- Natural, relaxing and soothing
Product Description
Now you can experience the relaxing and soothing benefits of aromatherapy while obtaining the legendary therapeutic effects of the world-famous Mineral Baths from the Dead Sea. Doctors have long recommended bathing in it to ease muscle soreness, joint stiffness and aid in treating skin conditions. Ancient Secrets baths can be used in whirlpool, hot tub or sits bath. Cruelty free-this product not tested on animals…. More >>
Ancient Secrets Mineral Baths, Aromatherapy Dead Sea, Eucalyptus, 32 oz
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