Good Night World
Oct 23rd, 2011 by AldouspiE

Good Night World: Aromatherapy Bath

Today, many people are living their lives while they are under stress, anxiety, fear, and tension. The effects of these negative emotions can wreak havoc on the mind, body, and spirit. Stress can suppress the functions of the Immune System causing a cycle of sickness. When the Immune System ceases to perform at its optimum level, the body becomes susceptible to viruses, bacteria, and disease. The importance of releasing stress and tension cannot be overly expressed.

There are many people who do not have the coping skills required to live their lives free from fear and anxiety. They are bound to these negative emotions and don’t understand how devastating their effects can be. Using Aromatherapy can be highly effective for teaching people how to release these negative emotions before they can set in the mind and cause serious damage. Learning how to relax is also very beneficial to fighting tension, stress, and anxiety. Scientific studies have shown that the effects of these emotions can lead to serious sickness and debilitating disease.

Sometimes people experience a sudden crisis or situation that they find so overwhelming they simply need to take some time to themselves to release the tension and stress. Using Aromatherapy can help quiet the mind and enhance peacefulness and calmness. Some effective methods of Aromatherapy include taking hot baths, using inhalants, receiving a massage, using aroma lamps and diffusers, and using candles and aromatic sprays. There are also many herbs and plants that have wonderful sedative qualities that will fill your environment with the peacefulness that you need to release the negative tensions from the day.

Yoga is another great remedy that will help promote methods of deep relaxation and serenity. You can learn deep breathing techniques through Yoga that you can use at any time, and anywhere. Deep breathing techniques will immediately quiet your mind, while bringing fresh oxygen to the brain. The stretching positions, or asanas, are also powerful tools to help release negative emotions such as tension, fear, and anxiety.

Practicing Yoga positions while using your Aroma Lamp or Diffuser will enhance your time of relaxation and help to quiet your mind. Drinking herbal infused tea is another effective method used to release tension. One of the most popular herbal tea preparations used for relaxation is Chamomile tea. Chamomile is bitter to the taste so make sure that you sweeten your tea with an all-natural healthy sweetener. Stevia is a great choice and is available at your local health food store.

There is a powerfully relaxing herbal blend that you can use in your bath. In fact, the blend is so strong it should only be used before you are planning to go to sleep. To create this blend uses 10 drops of Lavender and 5 drops of Marjoram. Combine the two oils with 1 ounce of carrier oil such as Jojoba oil, Macadamia oil, or Sweet Almond oil. Add the oil blend to your bath water and soak for at least 20-30 minutes. This bath will soothe away all of your stress and tension and enable you to enjoy a pleasant night’s sleep.

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