Sexual Problems of Diabetes
May 19th, 2010 by Aldouspi

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Image by Manny Hernandez via Flickr

As we age it is common to develop bladder and reproductive issues, but for those with diabetes these sexual problems can occur earlier than normal and can increase in severity. The nerve damage common with the disease, diabetes, is the reason for the sexual or urology complications experienced by diabetics.

Males may have trouble with achieving an erection or ejaculation, and female diabetics may have difficulty with sexual response and vaginal lubrication. Urinary and bladder issues are also more common with diabetics. Managing your diabetes, can lower your risk for developing sexual or urology problems.

Nerve signals are how the brain communicates with body parts to make action happen such as an arm lifting or a leg moving. Nerves also control our internal organs, too, through nerves called autonomic nerves. It is these autonomic nerves that control our digestion and our blood circulation without us having to tell our body to circulate our blood or to breath for us.

All of these responses are involuntary because the autonomic nerve signals that do these functions happen without us having to think about it. The same is true about the nerve signals that take place during the sexual act. Autonomic nerves signal the blood flow to increase to the male genitals and to the muscle tissues to relax. When diabetes damages autonomic nerves these responses do not happen or are hindered in their functioning.

Erectile dysfunction is the result of autonomic nerve damage and affects 20 – 80% of all male diabetics. Males who have diabetes are 3 times more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction as males who do not have diabetes.

Your doctor can help, if you experience erectile dysfunction. Other factors can contribute to erectile dysfunction such as side effects from certain medications, psychological factors, smoking, and also hormonal deficiencies. If you are diabetic, smoking may increase your risk for erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction can be treated with medications and therapy. Occasionally surgery is necessary to increase the flow of blood to the male organ.

Females who are diabetic can also experience sexual problems such as a decrease in vaginal lubrication, which can make intercourse uncomfortable. When sexual intercourse is uncomfortable, desire for sex may decrease – which may have a negative impact on the relationship.

Approximately 35% of women with diabetes have experienced a decrease or absence of sexual response, a decreased desire for sex, or an inability to become or to remain aroused during sexual play caused by a lack of sensation, or an inability to reach orgasm.

Symptoms include a decrease or lack of interest in sexual relations, a decrease or lack of sensation in the genital region, a constant or occasional inability to reach an orgasm and dryness in the vaginal region, which may lead to discomfort or even pain during sexual relations. Any females who experience these symptoms should speak with her gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment.

You may also want to check out this website:

Sex & Diabetes

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