Dietary considerations and the HIV virus
People that live with HIV need a considerable amount of food, but they are caught in a vicious cycle of poor to no desire to eat or difficulties the make them not want to eat. This along with the bodies reduced ability to absorb the proper amount of nutrients as it used to, can lead to very serious weight loss. But a HIV affected person can take in a high quality concentrated diet that can help to maintain weight and help the immune system work well. We will explore some dietary considerations here.
So what would a person with HIV need to have a higher concentrated quality to their diet? Furthermore what does higher quality diet mean? Simply put a high quality diet consists of low fat, lean protein combined with legumes, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. Since these foods have a dense nutrient value, you will receive much more nutrition and provide better conditions for health and well being. There is a need for vitamins, minerals and supplements that boost the immune system and enough quality water to alleviate and combat the battle with dehydration.
Let's briefly look at a major component of our body and of the primary things in the body to be degraded by the ravages of HIV infections and the resulting malnutrition. That component is protein. The body's organs, muscles, and many other substances that help to make up a persons immune system, are supported by building blocks of protein. Now if you don't get enough protein, or calories for that matter, in your diet via the food you take in. then the body finds it somewhere else. Do you know where that is? Your right! The body uses its own muscles for protein, for the fuel it has not received. Hence, the immune system will suffer and the body will weaken. Let's look at what might be in a quality nutrient rich diet.
Keep in mind that a person needs a variety of foods. Since no food is "an everything a person needs food", you will need to choose from a variety of sources.
Some ideas to use as a guideline and some sources are as follows:
- Lean protein such as: Fish, very very lean pieces of beef or pork, skinless chicken white meat, and dairy products that are low in fat
- Eat a couple servings, at least, of legumes, nuts and seeds everyday
- Try to eat whole grains that will give you carbohydrates, being sure that 50% of your carbohydrates come from this category.
- choose from the colors of the rainbow with fruit and vegetables. In other words eat from as many of the color groups as possible everyday. This amounts to 3-4 cups.
Now, even if you are just having a snack, make sure you eat some fat, but just a little, protein and something with some carbohydrates.
Do be sure to eat snacks between meals and do it without fail. Ideal foods for snacking might be:
- yogurt
- carrots
- seeds
- nuts
- fruit
Aside from the snacking, make sure you eat three quality meals a day.
In addition to food intake, drink a lot of pure clean drinking water. Make sure to drink at least 8 cups a day. Increase that as much as possible, to overcome the adverse reactions associated with vomiting, fever, or diarrhea… Another note on diarrhea would be to eat bananas for fiber, if you are having this problem. Reduce the intake of any unrefined cereals or grains to help alleviate the diarrhea.
You might want to consider taking nutritional supplements daily in the form of an RDA 100% value multivitamin and mineral, but avoid extra iron.
If you find that weight loss is still occurring, talk to your doctor and check the possibility of adding a nutritional support drink in your battle to maintain a high quality nutrient rich diet. By taking into consideration the information, here, in the battle against HIV malnutrition, the person with HIV will be much better equipped to support their body's battle.

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