Cerebral Palsy and Education
Jul 26th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Cerebral Palsy and Education

Cerebral palsy is a challenging condition not only due to various complications or problems involved with the condition but also the social learning challenge that is involved. Since cerebral palsy underlying problems and conditions begin at an early age, children needs to undergo a somewhat different kind of learning process for them to at least be educated with the world they live in. Living in a sheltered environment may not always be the best solution. Proper education is as important as the right medical treatment.

Children with cerebral palsy are challenged by the various problems and disabilities their condition has brought them. Ordinary activities like thinking, learning and even memory are not acquired the same way as ordinary, healthy kids. There are specialists that can teach parents the proper techniques and approaches for educating children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. First, these specialists will properly identify the specific disabilities that have been brought about by their condition.

Even if a child has above-average intelligence, problems involving muscle movements for example can be hindrances to their education. Upon determining what kinds of problems the children face, the right strategies can then be used for educating children with cerebral palsy. Early interventions and special preparations for schools can be imposed as well as monitoring systems can be imposed to monitor the learning progress of patients.

One can only stress the importance of individual assessment of patients. Each patient is unique. The degree of the disorder affects how and what kinds of therapy the child will need. Because of this case, the parents are the first ones that need to understand and cope with their child’s condition. But parents should never attempt to educate their children alone. It takes a good support group both from the medical community and groups of physical therapists and other special education teachers that can help a patient with cerebral palsy learn things better.

Why is the presence of support groups important for the education of a child with cerebral palsy? Each of these individuals are experts on their own field and they would know the proper approach to be taken. Physical therapists for example help in the development of simple motor skills. Cerebral palsy can severely affect even the most basic of the body’s motor skills. Walking, sitting or even just standing can be quite daunting to some patients with cerebral palsy so adding challenges like learning and education can already be too much.

There are patients who will need speech therapists that will help in the development of the child’s speech as well as their capacity to listen. Because of their disabilities, patients with cerebral palsy needs the care of special educators since they have the patience, the dedication and correct mindset for teaching kids with these kinds of disability.

Sometimes the condition is not severe enough that parents are prevented from enrolling their children in normal schools. In fact attending normal schools have proven to be beneficial to a patient with cerebral palsy. The disabilities might be limiting but it doesn’t mean that foregoing your child’s education is the right decision. Having them enroll or teaching them the proper education also help them emotionally. For fellow students tend to stay away from people who look different.

Cerebral palsy and education should come hand in hand. Both are needed especially for teaching kids with cerebral palsy.

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