Dealing with Fecal Impaction
It is considered normal for each and every one of us to suffer from bouts of constipation. It is when this occasional occurrence turns into a chronic condition that concern should arise.
Constipation can point to several root causes that require medical attention. But the garden variety form of irregularity is often solved easily and decisively by, not attacking the symptom, but the underlying nutritional causes. It is often thought that your diet is instrumental in causing or worsening digestive system disorders, with far reaching consequences for the entire gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs.
When dealing with fecal impaction the following steps are suggested:
1. Review your eating habits. This step is not a review of food itself, but instead, the manner in which you are ingesting it. Although rarely considered to be part of the digestive system, actual digestion begins in the oral cavity (your mouth). Food that does not spend enough time there and thus receives enough enzymes through the saliva, will most likely arrive in the stomach not quite ready for digestion there. It is wise to sit down and eat in a manner conducive to proper digestion by thoroughly chewing your food before swallowing it.
2. Review the food choices you do make. If you eat foods high in fat, cholesterol and sugar, you do not be a medical doctor to figure out that you will have some problems down the line. At issue here – for the sake of the gastrointestinal tract – is the lack of fiber such a diet usually brings with it. Even if you cannot get enough regular fiber via your food choices, there are high fiber wafers you may use to supplement your fiber intake. It is highly recommended that you ingest some of them, if your meals do not contain enough fiber.
3. Believe it or not, a failure to keep hydrated, has been identified as a main reason for constipation. Dealing with fecal impaction requires the proper intake of fluids. This will refer, ideally, to water, but other liquids containing water are acceptable as well.
4. Some dietary supplements, especially iron pills, have been associated with hardened stools and, in some cases, bouts of constipation. If you are taking iron supplements, you might want to do so with a glass of prune juice. In this manner, you will enjoy the benefit of the iron supplement while at the same time ensuring that your lower intestines will not pay the price for it.
5. In small children, dealing with fecal impaction may sometimes require X-rays, especially if there is a chance the child may have swallowed a small toy or other item that might now obstruct the intestines. This is a dangerous condition and left untreated may lead to a ruptured intestine and the possibility of sepsis.
Although many a physician may suggest a wait and see attitude in the face of a swallowed penny or dime, she or he might suggest a more thorough examination when it comes to other objects. Parents will be wise to err on the side of caution and contact their pediatrician as soon as they suspect their child has swallowed something or if constipation is lasting for more than a day in spite of counter measures.
Occasional constipation is no fun, but seems to be part of our daily lives. But if you are faced with constant fecal impaction, consider taking the steps listed above and contact your doctor if the condition continues.
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Fecal Impaction
Care of clients with fecal impaction
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