Signs And Symptoms Of Seizures
Jul 7th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Signs And Symptoms Of Seizures

For the brain to work normally, it needs an organized, controlled and systematic release of electrical impulses. These allow the brain to get connected to the different body parts and also have command within itself.

Generally, a seizure or an ictus is characterized by an abrupt shift of behavior, usually brief, because of a momentary alteration in the electrical activity of the brain. A certain kind of seizure can display several distinctive characteristics.

Depending on the type of seizure, it can trouble individuals in various ways. There are several different feelings that affected individuals may experience prior to an encounter and there are symptoms throughout and after a seizure.

Almost a quarter of the people who have a seizure disorder experience peculiar sensations also known as auras before experiencing the actual ictal stage.

If someone is sensitive and attentive to his auras, then it may as well be a warning that may help in preventing potential injuries or harms.

The initial seizure symptoms or warnings which involve the main senses include feelings of d?j? vu, unusual smell, sound or taste, brief loss of vision or blurring, racing thoughts, weird stomach sensations or a tingling feeling.

A person with an impending seizure attack may also feel fear or panic. He may experience dizziness, headache, lightheadedness, nausea, or numbness. But take note that sometimes seizures do not present any auras or warnings.

The actual seizure phase may take numerous distinctive forms. Few people who are aware of their aura may just have a continuity of the warning. For some, it may develop into a partial seizure.

Those with seizure disorder may experience thought black out, confusion, deafness, an electric shock sensation, loss of consciousness, out of body experience for a few and blurring of vision during the ictal phase.

Observable seizure signs may include chewing actions, convulsion, speaking difficulty, drooling, fluttering eyelids, foot stomping, hand waving, inability to move, incontinence, lip smacking, shaking or trembling, staring, stiffening, excessive sweating, teeth grinding, tongue biting, twitching movements and difficulty of breathing.

After the seizure is a shift from the ictal state to the normal state of the person. This phase is also known as the post-ictal period. It indicates the recuperation time of the brain. It may continue from just a few minutes up to several hours, depending on a number of aspects.

The condition of a person and the type of seizure will determine the length of recovery period. If a person has a complex partial seizure, his level of consciousness steadily gets better in the post-ictal phase just like a patient waking up from the effects of anesthesia. The signs and symptoms that come about throughout the post-ictal phase may include memory loss and writing difficulty.

The person may also experience confusion, desolation and distress, fear, frustration and embarrassment. Physical indications after a seizure may possibly include bruising, speaking difficulty, different forms of injury, fatigue then drowsiness, headache, nausea, thirst and may have the urge to urinate or defecate.

The symptoms differ depending on the type of seizure. Most of the time, a person with seizure disorder is likely to have an identical type of seizure every time thus the symptoms will presumably be similar.

However, this does not mean that anyone with seizure will come across all the symptoms mentioned. Also, other people may have a different experience which is not included in here.

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