Holistic Medicine for Better Circulation
If you have problems with the circulation in your body, and in particular your legs, then look to holistic methods of pain relief for assistance. Seeking the assistance of a chiropractor is never a bad idea for this purpose. A qualified chiropractor will physically adjust the skeletal system in order to improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the blood stream. By relieving excess stress on the pelvic area, for example, this can improve the flow of blood to all of the body's tissues. A skeletal system that is in proper alignment allows for the best circulation possible.
Herbal therapies are definitely worth a try to encourage better circulation. Try witch hazel ointment applied to the legs or arms, two to three times a day, and keep this up for a period of two weeks or more in order to allow your circulation to be as top notch as it can be. Witch hazel can only be used as a topical ointment and should never be taken internally. Be aware that witch hazel can cause skin irritation for some people. If you try it and it bothers you, then stop using it.
Horse chestnut can be used for venous circulation such as problems with varicose veins, and it can be used internally and externally, but it should always be used under the care of a physician. Do not choose to self medicate yourself with any herbs, as it can prove dangerous.
Herbs can sometimes interact with other types of medication, so it is always advisable to make sure your doctor is aware of what you are taking. Women who are pregnant or lactating should never take horse chestnut and it also is not safe for people with kidney disease or liver disease. When applied to the skin there have been some rare instances where serious allergic reactions have occurred.
Bilberries are very beneficial, when it comes to strengthening veins and capillaries. Bilberries are also supportive in their action to form connective tissues in the body. Butcher's broom tones veins, while at the same time it also decreases inflammation. Butcher's broom can be purchased as an herbal supplement or can also be purchased as a type of tea.
Gotu kola helps to strengthen blood vessels and also improves circulation that is peripheral. Ginkgo (or ginkgo biloba) and hawthorn (or crataegus laevigata) does the exact same thing as gotu kola, which is to improve the level of peripheral circulation and to strengthen the blood vessels.
If you develop varicose veins that are lumpy, hard and painful – in order to break up the buildup of a certain type of protein, consume more cayenne (Capsicum frutescens) and garlic (Allium sativum) on a regular basis. Other substances that you would do well to eat more of on a consistent basis include ginger (Zingiber officinale), onion, as well as pineapple. Pineapple is composed of an enzyme called bromelain, which helps to positively break up the fibrin in the veins.
Always discuss herbal therapies for better circulation with your physician or health care practitioner, before you start adding supplements into your daily diet.
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