12 Things to Do to Get a Proper Sleep
Dec 8th, 2012 by Aldouspi

12 Things to Do to Get a Proper Sleep

By: Greg Garner

Proper Sleep by William Brawley

If you are suffering from the following problems, it is a strong indication that you require more sleep. These problems are:

  • Lack of concentration

  • Difficulty to wake up in the morning

  • Falling asleep at work or classes

  • Frequent mood swings and sometimes depression

    Here are 12 things to do that will help you sleep properly and add vigor to your life:

    1. Go To Bed At Regular Time

    When you maintain a regular bedtime, your body receives a signal that it is time to sleep. Do not carry sleep “debts” over to the weekend, as most people have this tendency.

    1. Exercise Regularly

    Make sure that you follow a regular exercise regimen that is not just before your bedtime. If you exercise close to your bedtime, it will increase your body temperature, keeping you awake.

    1. Avoid Caffeine

    Do not drink beverages like coffee and Coke that are high in caffeine. They can keep you awake for longer period of time.

    1. Quit Smoking

    Cigarettes supply you with an abundant amount of nicotine that is a stimulant like caffeine. Consult your doctor to find ways to quit smoking because nicotine will adversely affect your sleep.

    1. Avoid Alcohol

    Try to minimize your consumption of alcohol, especially during the evening time. It can turn you restless and keep you awake at night.

    1. Relax Your Mind

    Before you go to bed, avoid watching movies that are scary or filled with action and violence. Avoid anything that can set your heart and mind racing. Also avoid reading books that have active or involving plots, as they can keep your mind occupied from going to sleep.

    1. Control The Lights

    Lights give an indication to the mind that it is time to sleep and wake up. Avoid bright lights, even the computer screen, before you go to sleep. You can meditate, or listen to soft music in order to relax your mind and body. You can also use sleep masks to sleep at night.

    1. Keep Your Naps Short

    Do not go for naps of more than half an hour during the day time. If you do, then it can keep you from sleeping at night.

    1. Sleep In The Right Environment

    Make sure that your room is dark at night, is cool, has curtains or blinds and does not get any noise from the surroundings. These factors can help give you deep and quality sleep.

    1. Food Before Sleep

    Take food rich in calcium before you go to bed. Some people find a glass of milk to be really helpful. However, avoid drinking too much milk. Make sure that you do not take a heavy meal at night time.

    1. Set Your Worries Aside

    You could be having lots of worries from your workplace or daily life. Before you go to bed, make sure that you keep them aside. This is easier to do when you realize that you can deal with your problems during daytime only if you are able to get proper sleep during night time.

    1. Make a Comfortable Bed

    It is important that you make a comfortable bed consisting of comfy pillow and mattress. The bed and the mattress need to be of the right size and of good quality.

    Following these tips can help you feel satisfied and more energetic during daytime. You would be able to concentrate better on your work and increase your efficiency.

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