How to Choose a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Provider
Choosing a health care provider can be the single most important decision that you make regarding your health. and when you seek a practitioner who practices an alternative medicine discipline, that decision can be complicated by the lack of licensing procedures and governing bodies. The following checklist is adapted from a fact sheet developed by the National Center for Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
Create a list of CAM practitioners:
Ask your regular doctor to recommend someone if they're knowledgeable about the CAM you're considering.
If you belong to a support group, ask for recommendations from members that you trust.
If there is a school nearby that teaches the therapy, ask for a list of local practitioners.
If the therapy is covered by your health insurance, ask if they maintain a list of providers.
Check with a nearby hospital. Many have lists of practitioners of various types of therapy.
Check your state's board or regulatory organization.
Check the telephone book or the listings at your local hospital.
Do some research to narrow your list. Some questions you should ask:
Where did the practitioner receive their training?
What are their credentials?
What licenses do they hold? Are there certifications that they should hold?
Do they belong to any professional organizations?
How much are their fees?
Check with your health insurance, to see if the treatment will be covered.
Are there requirements for coverage?
Do you need a referral from your primary provider?
What are the coverage limits?
One of the most important contributors to your relationship with your health care practitioner is your trust in him or her. Don't make a decision based on research alone. Once you've narrowed your choices down to two or three possibilities, make an appointment with each to talk about your expectations.
Have a list of questions prepared to ask about the type of treatment they recommend, their office policies and procedures, billing and treatment philosophy.
Be prepared to answer questions as well as ask.
Have a list of everything you take, including prescription medicines, supplements, vitamins and anything else that you take.
Be prepared to give a medical history, including surgeries, injuries and major illnesses.
After the visit, evaluate.
Did you feel comfortable with the practitioner?
Did he or she seem rushed or uncomfortable?
Did he answer all your questions to your satisfaction?
Is he open to how conventional and alternative therapy can work together?
Did the practitioner seem knowledgeable about your specific condition?
Did he have the recommended certifications and credentials?
Do you trust him?
Does the treatment plan suggested seem reasonable?
In the end, choosing a massage therapist, nutritionist or other alternative health provider is no different than choosing any other doctor or health practitioner. Do your homework and trust your instincts.
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Complementary and Alternative Medicine
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