How Erectile Dysfunction occurs
Feb 13th, 2011 by Aldouspi

How Erectile Dysfunction occurs

Erectile dysfunction is embarrassing, to those suffering from it unless they are fortunate enough to have a caring partner, a knowledgeable and understanding doctor and the courage to talk about having problems with sex.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is used to cover many disorders associated with the male sexual organ. Basically ED refers to the inability to achieve an erection that lasts long enough to perform intercourse, or to have an erection at all. Men aged 65 or older are in the group most likely to suffer ED. Males of any age can suffer from ED, some temporarily, others will need treatment in order to gain normal function again.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction may include:

The inability to achieve an erection

The inability to sustain an erection

Erections that takes abnormally long to achieve

Erections that are not as rigid as necessary to perform the sexual act without direct stimulation

Male orgasms are less intense

Reduced volume of ejaculate

Increased recovery time in between erections

Any of the above symptoms that are in a consistent pattern, interferes with a man’s self-image or hinders the sexual life.

Erectile dysfunction has become a more open topic and men are finding it easier to talk about among themselves and with their doctors.

In order for an erection to be successful there are several connections that must be made. The first is that the male must be sexually aroused. The second is that nerve impulses must stimulate the blood flow to the cylinders that run along the length of the penis. The third is that an influx of blood will expand the sponge-like structures and causes the penis to become erect. The erection is maintained by continued sexual stimulation. As the sexual stimulation continues it causes a higher rate of blood flow that leads to ejaculation of semen. The excess blood than pools out of the penis, which then returns to its former size and position. Each one of these steps: arousal, nervous system response, and blood vessel response must take place to have an erection and to sustain an erection. If anything affects any one of these steps to not happen, than erectile dysfunction is the result.

The steps can be interrupted by physical causes or by nonphysical causes.

Nonphysical causes for erectile dysfunction:

Nonphysical causes can include psychological problems (stress, anxiety, fatigue), negative feelings (resentment, hostility, lack of interest) expressed by the male or by his partner.

Physical causes for erectile dysfunction can include or be a combination of the following:


Nerve damage from chronic diseases (diabetes, neuropathy)

Cardiovascular disorders that affect the blood supply to the pelvis region

Medications including nonprescription drugs

Surgery on the prostate

Injuries to the spinal cord

Multiple sclerosis

Hormonal disorders

Erectile Dysfunction can actually in itself be a symptom of a medical condition.

It is not unusual to discover that there are both physical and nonphysical causes of ED.

A minor physical problem that causes a slow down in achieving an erection may cause enough anxiety to worsen the performance to full-scale dysfunction.

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