Acupuncture Getting to the Point of Natural Health
May 23rd, 2010 by Aldouspi

Acupuncture Getting to the Point of Natural Health

Natural health cures using Acupuncture may have seemed ‘new age’ to Western Cultures, but these methods have been in practice in Chinese culture for over 4000 years. Chinese culture believes in a person’s Qi of energy flow. All parts of the body form the Qi and should it get unbalanced or out of kilter illness can occur.

Around the body the body parts and organs are represented by Meridians which are the point where the sections can be most easily accessed by the acupuncture needles. These are tiny and very sharp and do not cause pain. Acupressure and heat treatments called Moxibustion is also used in conjunction with Acupuncture. The needles relieve the imbalance and bring the energies back into line.

Any number of ailments can be cured or have symptoms significantly reduced by this treatment. It is completely natural and may be used with herbs and essential oils. The Western cultures have accepted the effectiveness of Acupuncture, and it can also be used to alleviate addictions such as smoking and gambling.

If you are looking for alternative healing methods be sure to check out Acupuncture Therapy. You probably won’t get immediate results, you may need repeated treatments. But according to many testimonies it has cured their Acne Rosacea, migraines, ear infections, allergies, neck and back pain and much, much more.

Why resort to chemicals to fix you if you can use this natural method to improve your health? You’ll find clinics readily available. Be sure to research a few.

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