Just How Important Are Diabetic Symptoms
Jul 6th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Just How Important Are Diabetic Symptoms?

Not everyone who is diagnosed with diabetes showed any type of sign of having the disease, but there are symptoms that may signal a need for further medical investigation that are important to know. When an individual knows that symptoms of being a diabetic and then later recognizes one or more of the symptoms they can take action and be diagnosed early giving them the opportunity to make lifestyle changes that may improve their health and quite possibly making improvements that may prevent serious life-threatening situations from occurring.

There are some very common symptoms of the disease, diabetes that include experiencing a greater than normal need to urinate, frequent feelings of hunger or thirst. You may notice an unexplained weight loss. Another common symptom is blurred vision. You may feel tingling or numbness in your hands or your feet, or you may feel an unexplained fatigue that occurs quite frequently. You may also notice sores that are slow to heal or the occurrence of infections on a more frequent basis than you have experienced in the past.

High glucose levels in your bloodstream cause all of the symptoms listed above. Some of these symptoms may seem minor to you and you may be tempted to brush them off as being insignificant. These symptoms signal that a disease may be present in your body that could lead to serious health problems such as cardiac disease, vision impairment, kidney disease just to name a few.

High glucose levels can be detected and managed when you are diagnosed and when you follow a treatment plan. When you learn how to manage your disease, you may be able to significantly reduce your risk of complications from diabetes later in life.

Managing your diabetes is important and even when you are doing everything that you have been instructed to do by your doctor and dietician, you may still experience situations where you would need to notify your doctor immediately such as having a blood glucose reading that is signifies low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or if your blood glucose level signifies high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). These two blood sugar situations can jeopardize your health and you must seek medical care immediately.

You can tell if your blood sugar is low or high by routinely testing your level using a glucose-monitoring device. Your doctor or another member of the medical team caring for you will demonstrate how to use this device and tell you how often you need to monitor your blood glucose level.

There are many factors that influence your blood sugar being low or high. Foods that you eat, your activity level, if you are stressed, medications that you take and the amount of insulin in your blood are all factors that can have an impact on if your blood sugar level is low, high or within normal range.

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