Digestive System Disorders Brought On By Boutique Treatments
Dec 16th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Digestive System Disorders Brought On By Boutique Treatments

With the sudden popularity of whole foods establishments and also health food restaurants, it is not surprising that unscrupulous marketers have taken to the Internet at unprecedented rates. With them come questionable cures, sometimes dangerous dietary supplements, and a whole array of health and beauty treatments that seem to be firmly rooted in quackery and most likely also just as effective. While it would be simplistic to simply ignore such products and their sellers, the fact that digestive system disorders brought on by boutique treatments and dangerous substances is on the rise should not be ignored but instead serve as a warning to the consumer considering such steps.

In general nobody will leave their house in the morning with the defined goal of doing something that is harmful to their health. In the same vein, rarely will anyone peruse the Internet or health food store for products that will have an adverse effect on their digestive system. Instead, most anyone will be in search for something that will help them to lose weight, have more energy, increase their vitality, look younger, and do it all as naturally as possible.

Focusing on the colon and digestive tract has become a common step in today’s dieting and overall health movement and with the sudden mushrooming of colon cleanses that have appeared on the market, they are sometimes seen as a panacea that will undo years of damage – and even ongoing damage – of unhealthy eating habits. Yet in some cases the appearance of self proclaimed medical specialists who are specializing in the alternative healing arts have opened storefronts and among other disciplines they also offer colon hydrotherapy.

The latter is an odd practice that seeks to void the colon of all waste by using water that has been heated to about body temperature. It has been suggested that this is a more effective colon cleanse since the warm water will soften hardened stools and thus permit for more waste material to be flushed out almost immediately rather than through the use of herbal supplements or even an enema. To proceed properly, the healer will suggest a number of sessions that must be specifically spaced for maximum effect and in some cases it is suggested that other components are added to the water to provide a somewhat sterilizing effect on the colon in an effort to decrease any harmful bacteria colonies which may have set up housekeeping.

Yet therein is the rub: bacteria are absolutely vital to the proper functioning of the digestive tract and while harmful bacteria area associated with illnesses and even mortality, the reduction in useful bacteria is part and parcel of digestive system disorders brought on by boutique treatments such as a colon hydrotherapy set of sessions. It is therefore not surprising that many opponents have taken to educate the public by pointing out the danger of the treatments and also pointing to the exorbitant costs of the various sessions, suggesting that they are little more than feel good treatments that will actually have the very opposite effect on the body’s overall health and the gastrointestinal tract’s proper working in particular.

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