AIDS is a disease that affects unprecedented numbers of people across America and the world. It is a type of disease that is rapidly spreading, especially in developing nations. Most people do not fully understand the progression of the disease, and to that end, the World Health Organization has developed a type of `staging' that helps patients with the disease to identify what their symptoms are and how far the disease has progressed. The World Health Organization's standards have been proven to be very useful in locations where there are limited resources with which to assess an individual's progression of the disease. There is no type of timeline used in the AIDS staging progress, as individuals that are affected by the disease may progress through the symptoms very slowly or quite fast. Obtaining proper treatment as soon as possible for AIDS is the key to ensuring that the disease can be made to progress much more slowly. In this article, we'll go over the stages of AIDS so that you can get a better idea of how the disease attacks the human body and the warning signs that may show how quickly it is progressing.
Stage one of the World Health Organization's AIDS staging program consists of the transmission of the HIV virus from one individual to another. In this early stage, the newly infected individual will often not show any signs of the disease.
After the HIV antibodies begin to travel through the bloodstream, stage two of AIDS begins to take hold. At this point, individuals who are affected with the disease may experience some symptoms, including upper respiratory tract infections as well as minor mucocutaneous manifestations.
The third stage of the AIDS disease's progression within the human body consists of recurring incidences of diarrhea for a period of time longer than one month. Bacterial infections also tend to occur during the third stage, and pulmonary tuberculosis may also occur.
The fourth stage is the final stage in the World Health Organization's staging of AIDS. This stage consists of some of the symptoms that are commonly attributed to the disease such as toxoplasmosis of the brain. Candidiasis of parts of the respiratory tract is a common occurrence in individuals in the fourth stage of the disease, and a condition known as Kaposi's sarcoma may also become manifested.
Now that you have a better idea of how the symptoms of AIDS progresses, you can better understand where the disease is at if you are affected by it or if someone that you know has been diagnosed. The more that you know about the disease, the better off you are, and many of the symptoms that are experienced by those suffering from AIDS can be lessened by speaking to a doctor about possible types of treatment. While there is no cure for AIDS, many different technologies have progressed to the point at which many individuals can successfully live with the disease for a long period of time with some hard work and effort.

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