Top Q & A about Reversing that Vasectomy
Nov 15th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Top Q & A about Reversing that Vasectomy

A vasectomy should always be considered as a permanent form of birth control and men who want it need to make sure they truly do not want to be a father or have any more children. However, even the most adamant of men have a change of heart whether due to meeting woman they want to have a child with or some other life altering event. In these instances, a vasectomy reversal is often contemplated.

Making an educated decision is paramount to making the final decision on whether or not to have vasectomy reversal surgery. A urologist can go over all the details of the surgery as well as what to expect in terms of recovery and effectiveness. By knowing what to expect in advance, there will not be any unrealistic expectations.

Here are some of the top questions and answers in regards to reversing a vasectomy:

1. What exactly is a vasectomy reversal? This is a surgical procedure which is supposed to reverse a man’s sterility caused by a previous vasectomy. Using microsurgical techniques, a doctor works to reconnect the ends of the cut vas deferens, usually in layers, using hair-thin sutures. Up to 10% of men who opted for a vasectomy as a means of permanent birth control has sought help in reversing it.

2. As there are two basic types of vasectomy reversal, which one is more effective? There is a procedure called a vasovasostomy in which the ends of the vas deferens are successfully rejoined using the technique listed above as long as the sperm can be detected within the seminal fluid. The vasoepididymostomy is the procedure used to reverse a vasectomy if there has been blockage of the epididymis, the receptacle which stores the sperm after it is produced and before it is transported via the vas deferens, the very tubes that are supposed to be stitched back together.

The vasoepididymostomy is more intricate than and not as successful as the vasovasostomy. However, regardless of which procedure is used, the most success lies in a reversal process that is done within five years of the original vasectomy. As the years go by, the chance for future pregnancy in a female partner drops significantly.

3. How long is the reversal surgery process and recovery? The reversal process is rather detailed and complex so using the best microsurgical procedures will take several hours, much longer than the 30 minutes for the vasectomy itself! General anesthesia is usually used which means hospital time as well as a longer recovery period.

It can take up to a month before a man feels ready for sex. Doctors will say that it is important to try and not ejaculate for at least a month after the reversal surgery. This gives the genital area time to heal properly.

4. How effective is the vasectomy reversal process? There are many factors to consider which can affect the outcome of the procedure. The health of the man in general, the length of time passed since the vasectomy and the skills of the surgeon performing the delicate microsurgery all come into play. If everything is within optimal conditions, most men can expect a success rate of anywhere from 40-70% for impregnating their female partner or wife. Be advised that it can take several months before sterility is reversed and the body starts producing motile sperm in the seminal fluid.

There may be times when the reversal does not work the first time. A second operation may be required to restore fertility. When the reversal doesn’t work, there are still ways to have a natural child using in-vitro fertilization. This involves storing your sperm which is retrieved during the reversal process, just in case.

All in all, the vasectomy reversal process can be quite involved. Therefore, it is important to be sure that a vasectomy is the right choice to begin with as restoring a man’s fertility could be a futile process. There are no guarantees of success with a vasectomy reversal.

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