5 Common Myths About Vegans
Dec 22nd, 2011 by Aldouspi

5 Common Myths About Vegans

Vegans are people who have a special diet in accordance with their respect for the Earth and all its creatures. Specifically, vegans do not eat any meat or dairy, as both foods come from animals. This practice has led to many myths surrounding the lifestyle, and we thought it would be a good time for us to share five myths associated with vegans.

Myth 1. No protein. Not true – While fruits, vegetables, and grains are not associated with protein, there are alternate forms of getting it. The soy bean for example is an excellent source of protein and can be found as tofu, milk, and many other products. There are also protein powders that are vegan friendly.

Myth 2. Brittle bones. Not true – Because the vegan diet is without dairy, there is the myth that vegans do not get enough calcium or vitamin D, which leads to brittle bones. Again, the soy bean is a good example of natural calcium, and many vegetables have vitamin D, as well as other beneficial vitamins. There are also tons of supplements vegans can take, if they feel they are not getting enough of either.

Myth 3. Vegan food tastes awful. Not true – Taste is a highly subjective area, but there are tons of vegans who find that food prepared without meat or dairy can taste better. There are tons of vegan recipes for many popular items such as pizza, burgers, and even cheesecakes. In addition, the web is home to tons of vegan cooking blogs with amazing recipes.

4. Vegan food is expensive. Not true – If looking for whole, nutritious food, chances are the price is going to be higher than mass created and processed foods. Vegans who cook on the fresh do have to have food management skills to ensure that everything is cooked quickly and make sure that nothing gets thrown away. However, there are many vegan foods that are available frozen and even canned for those who don’t like to cook all the time.

5. All vegans are skinny. Not true – Because vegan food has loads of variety, it has loads of body types. While salads are often associated with vegan eating, the diet can still include bread, chocolate, cheese, items that are deep fried, ice cream, candy, and other items that can produce all kinds of waistlines.

About the author: Brooke Stafford is a nursing practitioner student and also writes for Family Nurse Practitioner Degrees. The site helps students find the right nurse practitioner degree to fit their needs.

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