Before trying to lower your blood pressure, first make sure that you have blood pressure that is higher than the average, as too low of a blood pressure can also be a problem. While normal pressures range from person to person there is a standard measurement that most doctors go by when checking their patients' blood pressure.
According to the American Heart Association (http://www.americanheart.org) it is essential to know exactly what your blood pressure reading is. Some people have high blood pressure that is only slightly elevated, while other people have blood pressure that is dangerously high. It is only by being aware of your personal standards and having it checked regularly that you will learn if you need to find ways to lower blood pressure.
Ways to Manage Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can be managed in a variety of ways that include medication and lifestyle changes. Doctors can prescribe medications for worst-case scenarios but they usually recommend lifestyle changes as the first steps for fighting high blood pressure. Lifestyle changes can make a significant impact on the individual’s health while also decreasing their dependencies on medications if they are using them. In addition, there are several natural methods that a patient can use to reduce their high blood pressure over time.
1) Get More Exercise: People who regularly participate in aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes a day can drop their systolic blood pressure by three to five points. Exercise also helps build endurance and contributes to an overall healthy lifestyle.
2) Increase Your Potassium: Increasing the amount of potassium intake helps with high blood pressure. Eating excess amounts of salt can raise blood pressure substantially but increasing potassium intake reduces the salt’s influence on the body. There are many foods that are high in potassium including baked potatoes with skin, bananas, orange juice, and a variety of yogurts.
3) Limit Salt Consumption: People who are diagnosed with high blood pressure need to avoid consuming excess salt. It is recommended that people with hypertension only consume about 600 milligrams of sodium a day. They should also try to eat whole foods as much as possible since most processed foods contain excess sodium. Grocery shopping instead of eating out provides a great opportunity to check the nutrition labels on food.
4) Quit Smoking: Smoking does not directly affect hypertension, but it does cause a temporary spike in people’s blood pressure. Factors such as excessive alcohol consumption and minimal exercise also contribute to high blood pressure. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption help people better regulate their blood pressure.
5) Shed the Extra Weight: Losing weight not only improves self-confidence in people, but it also helps them lower their blood pressure. Excess weight causes the heart to work so blood pressure rises. Over time consistently high blood pressure can damage the heart and create lifelong problems. Having a healthy weight provides people with the ability to enjoy a healthier lifestyle while keeping their blood pressure under control.
6) Learn Stress Management Techniques: There are many ways an individual can manage stress but some ways are more effective than others. Research in New Delhi has discovered that yoga and breathing exercises have a significant impact on reducing overall blood pressure. Meditation helps to reduce stress and lowers blood pressure, helping improve overall health. However, the best recommendation for people struggling with stress related high blood pressure is to discover what stress-management techniques work for them. Learning to manage stress can be done using healthy outlets like meditation, writing, therapy and group activities.
Lowering blood pressure can be difficult but consulting a doctor and finding the cause is the first step to managing high blood pressure. Changing diets, exercise, and other lifestyle changes are just some of the ways blood pressure can be controlled. To learn about more ways to lower your blood pressure naturally, be sure to check out the Blood Pressure Solution at: Click Here! |
Talk with your doctor at length about your options and then you can begin a treatment option that is right for you. In order to lower blood pressure some individuals will need to institute lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise or being more careful about what they eat. Some patients will have to go straight to medication.
Besides knowing your blood pressure, you should also know how much you weigh. If you are at a healthy weight then keep it that way and if you need to lose weight to lower blood pressure ask your doctor the best ways to go about that. Weight can have an impact on the onset of high blood pressure and the more your weigh, the worse it can be. Sometimes losing only a minimum of weight, say, for example, ten pounds, is enough to help with high blood pressure.
To lower blood pressure take a close look at your diet. Always strive to consume as little saturated and trans fat as possible. That means fried, fatty foods should be keep to a minimum. Go for less fast food and more home cooked meals.
Eat fish as often as possible, especially cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel and choose lean cuts of meat. Always trim the fat off of meat and never eat the skin (such as chicken and turkey).
Another important step to lower blood pressure, is to cut back on the amount of salt you eat. This includes salt that is in food as well as salt that you add as seasoning. For salt lovers, there will be a transition period of wanting that extra salt when you lower the amount of salt on your food. But your taste buds will soon adapt to the lower salt content and appreciate even more the other flavors in your foods. And your heart will appreciate the change, too.
To lower blood pressure give up smoking and avoid excessive alcohol consumption as both of these bad habits can wreck havoc with blood pressure. Exceeding more than two drinks per day for a man and for a woman, more than one drink per day is a no-no.
In order to lower your blood pressure do follow your doctor’s orders by keeping up with your scheduled appointments as well as taking your medicine exactly as it is prescribed. Do not skip doses, or "double up" on doses or stop taking your medication all together. In order to lower blood pressure and keep it at a normalized level you must take your medication as directed.
As you make changes in your lifestyle and your blood pressure stays within normal, healthy levels, check with your doctor about reducing the medications you take as you may not need as much of these helpers as your situation improves.
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