Erectile Dysfunction Visiting the Doctor
January 19th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Erectile Dysfunction; Visiting the Doctor

Erectile dysfunction is commonly defined as the consistent inability to achieve an erection rigid enough for sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction instances increase with age and may be found in approximately 40% of men 40 years and older. The number of men with erectile dysfunction in the United States is approximately 20 million alone. The acts of sexual relations have gone from a necessity of carrying on lives to a pleasurable encounter. It is a way of adding value to our lives and helps couples feel close. Not being able to have sex can have a drastic negative affect on both the individual and his partner.

Finding the right doctor is a very difficult process for most men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Men typically choose to not discuss private issues, especially when it comes to discussing erectile problems. Frequently when a man does ask his doctor for help he may not be given the response he wants. Many physicians are not aware of the different treatments and alternatives available, or they do not have time to discuss an emotional issue. As many doctors are pressed for time, the may feel that they do not have time to discuss an emotional issue and do not feel comfortable or want to get involved in discussing a sexual problem.

Patients may also be the cause of the communication problem. Most men are not comfortable telling anyone, whether it is a doctor or a family member or friend, that they have an erectile problem. Erectile dysfunction affects every part of a man’s life. Impotence is critical threat to a man’s ego and self image. All of these reasons make finding a doctor that a man is comfortable discussing erectile dysfunction with is even more vital. A qualified urologist who specializes in impotence is a great resource also as an urologist should be able to offer many different treatment options.

Patients typically come to the doctor’s office for their first visit. During this visit a thorough history, both medical and sexual, is taken and a physical exam is performed. All different treatment options are discussed during this appointment, including medication, surgical, and non-surgical options. Patients interested in implants are shown the two models which are available, a 2 piece and a 3 piece model. Implant consent is reviewed with the patient along with a consent form and a copy of the literature on the various models that are available. The patients insurance is contacted to make sure any future treatment is pre-approved and covered. During the second visit any questions that were not answered prior are discussed and the implant surgery is scheduled.

Patient satisfaction is of the utmost importance to most doctors and urologists. The truth is that what most patients’ desire is the ability to function like they did when they were younger. Most men would like to be able to get a good erection at a moment’s notice, to be able to be spontaneous, and to make sure their erection is reliable. By visiting with a physician most men will be satisfied with the results of their visits.

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