Tea Tree Oil Treatment for Skin Infection
September 10th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Tea Tree Oil Treatment for Skin Infection

The Native American Indians knew quite a bit about herbs, plants and trees and how they can be used in the treatment of the body to ward off infection and promote good health. For some reason, society has lost sight of the fact that the Indians were a relatively healthy lot and knew quite a bit about natural healing. In this day and age, dependency on modern medicine does not always work and now it is becoming the “in” thing to try “alternative treatments” … in other words, the very natural therapies that the Native Americans used hundreds of years ago. Tea tree oil is one of these natural remedies that is retaking the world by storm because of this anti-bacterial properties.

Tea tree oil is sometimes more effective than antibiotics used to treat various staph skin infections. This is especially true in this day and age of over-prescribing and over-indulging in taking too many antibiotics that the bacteria are becoming resistant to. Bacteria are adapting to its new surroundings (meaning to all the antibiotics and other drugs used to clear up infections) and thus you must as well. Turning back to more natural means is the best scenario.

Looking at Staph and the Tea Tree Link

Staph is not normally a bacterium that we should worry about as it lives naturally in your skin as well as your nose. However, staph is one of the bacteria that end up causing quite a few serious illnesses like pneumonia. There are also staph skin infections that have been rather resistant to antibiotics like MRSA which is methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. Methicillin is a type of antibiotic. Typically limited to the skin, this MRSA has spread to the blood and bone to become a potentially deadly problem.

Many people who contract staph get it from direct person to person contact. Here is where the tea tree oil comes in. The tea tree oil has both anti-bacterial and antifungal properties and it was often used as a natural antiseptic. The good news is that tea tree oil can kill quite a few strains of bacteria including the MRSA. Quite a few studies have shown that tea tree oil works just as well as some prescribed medications. And the best part of it all is that no one suffered any ill effects of tea tree oil.

The success rate for tea tree oil compared to drug therapies is about even with the nasal infections clearing up better with the antibiotics. However, the skin infections and ulcers that were treated cleared up more quickly with the tea tree oil. Indeed, the tea tree oil is at its most effective when applies straight to skin infection sites than through other means.

If you get a skin infection, consider applying tea tree oil to the site and see what happens. Chances are that you will be amazed at how quickly the infection clears, especially with no ill effects. As of right now, MRSA shows no signs of becoming resistant to tea tree oil which is great news for you and for others who may end up with an infection that antibiotics does not clear up.

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