Understanding Rosacea – The Ins and Outs
May 15th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Understanding Rosacea – The Ins and Outs


If you have ever suffered from rosacea, then you know that this problem can cause you to be self-conscious about the way you look. Rosacea causes swelling and redness on your face, and can also be characterized by small acne like bumps around your forehead and around your mouth.

In the most severe cases of rosacea, your nose could become disfigured, leaving you with the choice of seeking plastic surgery to correct the problem. There is no cure for rosacea, and because it is a progressive disease, you should take the time to understand all you can about this condition.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is considered a progressive inflammatory condition that is often characterized by persistent and chronic blushing or flushing of the face. The condition stops there for many people, however, for millions of other people, the condition becomes progressively worse. It can cause painful read acne like pustules and blisters that are sensitive to the touch.

When left untreated, you may find that the skin on your face thickens and can cause disfigurement of the nose. In some cases of rosacea, it can affect the eye and cause your eyes to have red and irritated look and could cause contagious conjunctivitis.

While most cases are contained on the face, some people may experience a rosacea on other parts of their body, including their arms and legs, scalp chests and neck. This skin disease should not be confused with acne, because it is certainly not the same. Rosacea has nothing to do with clogged pores or hormone levels. If you experience persistent problems with these symptoms, than it is likely you are facing rosacea and not acne breakouts.

What does rosacea feel like?

It is important to understand that as no two people are alike, so no two cases of rosacea will be exactly alike either. Some people may find that their symptoms are quite mild, and may only include flushing of the face. Other people may find the redness is also accompanied by varying degrees of bumps and pustules on the face.

In addition, some people may have redness that never seems to go away, while others may find that the redness comes and goes and can be traced to certain triggers.

Most likely any person that experiences rosacea will often feel itching or burning or stinging on the face during a rosacea outbreak. Many people compare this to the feeling of a severe sunburn or wind burn. People with rosacea may also have very dry and cracked skin that will need to be treated with moisturizer several times a day.

There are varying degrees of rosacea as well. Doctors will take a look at your individual case and decide how severe your outbreaks are and will find an appropriate treatment. Generally the grading system is on a scale of zero to three with zero showing no symptoms and three being the most severe.

If you suffer from rosacea, then it is important to learn how to maintain your condition and how to treat it properly from day to day.

Recommended Rosacea Resource…

=> Rosacea

Rosacea Free Forever – I thought I would never cure my Rosacea , but contrary to my Doctor’s prediction, I cured Rosacea naturally, without drugs…

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