Tips on Preventing Diabetes
July 22nd, 2010 by Aldouspi

Tips on Preventing Diabetes

Staying healthy is ideal for someone that would like to get the most out of life. Although you can still live a healthy and happy life with Diabetes it is best to avoid it if possible. Fortunately, Type 2 Diabetes is preventable. You can greatly reduce your chances of becoming Diabetic by making a few healthy life choices.

First, if you need to alter your lifestyle and habits, you need to start today. Do not wait until you are teetering on the brink of Diabetes with a pre-diabetic diagnosis. Change your ways now before doctors want to run tests or start warning you about Diabetes.

Two of the major culprits when it comes to Diabetes are diet and exercise. Too many people have sedentary lifestyles and eat high calorie, high fat diet. Making adjustments to these two areas can reduce Diabetes risks to a minimum. You don’t need to hire a nutritionist or get a personal trainer to do these stings, although those are option. However, most of these things can be done on your own.

Shed Excess Pounds

Find out what your body mass index is and your body fat percentage. There are scales on the market that electronically calculate this information but you can also have it done at an exercise facility. Your BMI should be under 30 and your body fat percentage should be 20-25% for a woman and 8-14% for a man.

Once you have this information you will be able to determine whether or not you need to lose weight. Getting rid of even a small amount of excess weight can greatly reduce the risk of Diabetes and heart disease. Making permanent lifestyle changes such as portion controlling meals, eating fruits and vegetables with every meal and exercising 30 minutes a day, five times a week will help fight Diabetes risks.

In addition to losing weight you will also experience an increase in energy and enjoy better overall health. Do not commit to fad diets that will initially send the scale down but cause an increase in the long run. Eat balanced meals that include food from all food groups. Half of the grains you eat in a day should be whole grains. Whole grains have more fiber and nutrients than products made from refined flour.

Take the Risk of Diabetes Serious

The prevention of Diabetes is something that people should take very seriously. Type 2 Diabetes is the most prevalent form of Diabetes in the United States and it can be prevented. Diabetic prevention could help reduce the number of new cases of Type 2 Diabetes that are diagnosed. Right now 230 million people in the world have Diabetes. About 21 million Diabetics live in the United Sates and as obesity and inactivity rise, Type 2 Diabetes is increasing. If people do not start working to control their weight and diets, by 2050 over 48 million people could have Diabetes. Do not allow yourself to become one of the millions that fall victim to Diabetes. Take charge of your health so you don’t become as statistic.

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