Experts feel that exercise may boost your immune system and since AIDS is a immune deficiency disease, boosting the immune system would be a plus. It is important to know that exercise cannot protect you from the HIV virus. Exercise cannot fight the AIDS virus once you have it either. What exercise can do, is to help you feel better and possibly help you to fight some of the effects of AIDS and some of the side effects of the medications that you take because you have AIDS.
Persons who have AIDS can benefit from exercising because it improves:
Muscle mass
Improves your strength and your endurance.
Improves heart and lung function
Feel less tired because of improved energy level
Can reduce your stress level
Gives you a feeling of well-being
Improves CD4 cell counts
Improves your bone strength
Helps with your cholesterol levels
Decreases the amount of abdominal fat
Can improve your appetite
You will sleep better
Blood sugar (glucose) level regulates better
Aids patients need to be careful when they exercise because they can become dehydrated
AIDS can make you heal slower so injuries will take longer to repair
Tips to exercise safely when you have AIDS:
Be careful not to overdo exercising. Moderation is the key. Take it slow and easy. Consistency is what is important.
Fatigue will likely play an important role in your exercise program. You will feel tired quicker than those who do not have AIDS.
Exercising can help you delay symptoms if you are still "healthy", so don't delay in starting your exercise program.
Change little things about your exercise routine. Mix it up a little so that you won't get bored.
Injuries happen when you push yourself too much or try to go at a faster pace than you are used to.
Water is very important when you are exercising. Water keeps you hydrated and replaces he water you lose while exercising. Drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee, colas, chocolate, tea, and even alcohol can make you lose body fluid instead of replenishing it.
Food and exercise do not mix. It is best to wait approximately 2 hours after eating a lot of food or a complete meal before exercising. After exercising you should wait at least an hour before eating. When you exercise you use up calories that you need to replace by eating properly so you do not lose weight.
You will find that you exercise more often; if you choose exercise programs that include activities you enjoy doing.
Competitive sporting events are fine to participate in as long as your body is fit enough to withstand the rigors of the particular sport you choose. As a team player you cannot spread the AIDS virus just by normal touching that goes on during sports activities. You will need to take precautions if you should become injured and bleeding is involved. You should immediately control and cover the bleeding area. Once the bleeding is covered and you feel well enough to, you can return to the game.

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