Headaches in Children
March 8th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Headaches in Children

Headaches Children

Children can suffer from headaches, too. They can get tension-type headaches, migraines, and headaches from colds and flu as well as organic headaches from tumors, meningitis, and other brain diseases or disorders. Children can also have headaches as a result of head trauma.

If you child complains of a dull ache on one side of the head that is not a sharp pain, but more like a pressure or tightening and if the muscles of the neck and shoulders are tense, then what may be happening is a tension-type of headache.

Things that cause tension-type headaches in children are stress, physical strain, hunger, inflammation and a reaction to certain types of food.

Stress, anxiety and depression can cause tension-type headaches in children just like they do in adults. Children get stressed out at school, in sports team participation, after school activities can stress them out and dealing with siblings or parents can stress kids out.

Physical strain can occur as a result of eyestrain or from poor posture.

If a child goes all night long without food as most individuals do while sleeping and then skips breakfast and lunch, the child can then experience a physical strain headache from lack of food. Giving a child with this kind of headache fiber-rich cereal, or bread and a glass of milk will make this type of headache go away.

When your child becomes ill with a disease of the eye, ear, nose, throat, sinuses, neck, or a dental problem the result can be a headache caused by inflammation. Inflammation headaches can also be caused by organic headaches.

The child can also experience headaches, if they are reacting to a food or a food additive. If you keep a headache journal you may be able to detect these headaches and the associated food culprit.

Some headaches are easy to spot the cause, such as when you eat something cold fast and get that brain-freeze… But with kids, it is not always easy to determine, because sometimes they are just too young to describe the type of pain they are experiencing. The pediatrician is often the best source of determining the cause of the headache and how to prevent them in the future. Make sure that you bring with you a list of any medications your child is taking, the foods that your child has been eating, and a list of other symptoms if any.

The pediatrician will also need to know how long the headache has lasted and if there has been any fever present? Headaches are usually harmless, mild and can be relieved by using home remedies or over-the-counter pain medications.

Headaches in Children

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