Algorithms are autistic
March 18th, 2011 by Aldouspi

"Algorithms are metaphorically dumb and blind because they cannot adapt interactively while they compute. They are autistic in performing tasks according
to rules rather than by interaction. In contrast, interactive systems are grounded in an external reality both more demanding and richer in behavior than the rule-based world of non-interactive algorithms."

The statement above was made by Peter Wegner, a computer scientist at the Brown University when trying to argue the performance of a computing platform over another.

The stigma

Many like Wegner use the word autism with a certain negative stigma. The word autism is usually used as an insult which connotes that people with autism have a choice in the matter. The truth is they don't.

Autism is a developmental disorder where in children with mild autism will grow into self-sufficient adults while those with more serious problems will always need some kind of help. They key is early detection and treatment.

What is autism?

Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), as opposed to specific developmental disorders (SDD), refers to a group of disorders characterized by delays in the development of multiple basic functions including socialization and communication. Parents may notice these symptoms in their children as early as infancy and typically onset is prior to 3 years of age.

There are five (5) known PDDs, one of which is Autism.

The word is derived from the Greek word, "autos" meaning "self" added with the -ismos suffix of "action" or "state". This is so because in a very simplified manner of explaining, autism is an abnormal self-absorption which is normally first observed in childhood, usually characterized by a lack of response to people and possessing a limited ability to communicate.

This complex developmental disability typically appears during the first three years of life and occurs in as many as one in five hundred individuals. Although autism knows no racial, ethnic, or social boundaries, it is known to be four times more prevalent in boys.

It's hard for individuals with autism to talk with other people and express themselves using words because autism causes individuals to experience the world differently from the way most other individuals do. This is why people who have autism usually keep to themselves and many can't communicate without special help.

Because people with autism experience the world differently from others, they also may react to external stimuli in unusual ways. Normal sounds may be bothersome for individuals with autism which makes it a common trait for them to cover their ears suddenly without warning or seeming stimuli.

The treatment

Scientists really don't know what exactly causes autism. Consequently, there is no known or proven cure for autism. Although, doctors, therapists, and special education teachers can help kids with autism overcome or adjust to the challenges they face. Early detection and treatment is best.

Although different children have different needs and degrees of assistance needed, learning to communicate is the important first step in the treatment of autism. Verbal language is difficult for children with autism to understand so there are special teaching methods that are utilized by special education teachers / therapists.

Social skills are another thing therapists teach children so that they know the rudimentaries of how to welcome people, hang around for their turn and follow instructions. Therapists also help children learn social skills, such as how to greet people, wait for a turn, and follow directions.

Students with mild autism sometimes can go to regular school. But most kids with autism need calmer, more orderly surroundings. They also need teachers trained to understand the problems they have with communicating and learning. They may learn at home or in special classes at public or private schools.

=> Recommended Autism Resource: Autism, Aspergers, Asd – Help And Advice For Empowering Parents

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