The Breuss Cancer Cure
April 10th, 2011 by Aldouspi

The Breuss Cancer Cure

By: John Welsh

Cancer cure

42 Day Juice Fast

Rudolf Breuss was an educated man from Austria who had an innate understanding of the human body and a love for humanity. He turned his attention to finding an alternative, gentle treatment for cancer and other diseases because conventional treatments were invasive and not often successful.

Normal mainstream treatment following a cancer diagnosis is surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Some of these treatments are successful if the cancer is caught early but the success rate for these same treatments for advanced cancer is virtually nil as statistics show that only 2-3% of people get any benefit from chemotherapy. It puts the argument forward that advanced cancer should be treated differently.

Cancer is a disease of total toxicity. Look at what we are exposed to on a daily basis. Air pollution, water pollution, pesticides and insecticides on all commercially produced food, refined foods, preservatives, chemicals and food colourings. The human body was not designed for this build-up of artificial poisonous substances, cannot deal with them and so they accumulate in the system and that is the reason for illness.

Breuss put his patients on a juice fast which effectively removes the metabolic waste and frees cell membranes of the protein build-up around cells which prevents proper oxygenation. This treatment not only cures cancer but also eliminates many other problems like skin infections, obesity, infertility, kidney infections, constipation and dandruff, to name a few.

The Breuss Cancer Cure is a 42 day juice fast. It is a program of combining particular vegetable juices with specially blended herbal teas. This treatment deals with cancer and other diseases by totally detoxifying and cleansing the whole system.

The treatment theory is to starve the cancer by deep detoxification using a combination of juices which consist of beetroot, carrot, celeriac, radish and potato. (Potato juice is one of the very best alkaline foods there is). Cancer can only exist in a sour or acid environment and this treatment makes the patient’s system alkaline, providing no food for the cancer to feed on, thereby starving it.

The special combination of juices and teas used in this treatment keep the body nourished as they are rich in vitamins and minerals, meanwhile allowing the metabolism to get back into balance.

The success of this treatment depends on it being followed exactly as directed. The body may initially experience the uncomfortable effects of headaches and perhaps nausea or depression but this is perfectly normal and means changes are taking place and the cleansing action has started. These symptoms should be allowed to happen and soon pass.

It is absolutely essential, if you are intending to undertake a natural cancer treatment such as the Breuss juice fast, that you engage a natural therapist, like a Naturopath or Homeopath to supervise and guide you through the process.

Rudolf Breuss’s organic juice recipe is made by the Biotta company of Switzerland according to his strict instructions. It is totally organic and the vegetables are pressed without heat and in a way which preserves all the live enzymes. Lactic acid is added to preserve the juice. If you are unable to juice the vegetables yourself, Biotta juice is available bottled from good health stores. His recommended herbal teas are also available at good health stores.

“Do not be afraid of cancer. The cancer lives on solid foods only so, if you only drink my vegetable juice and herbal teas for 42 days, the cancerous growth dies and you live”

A quote by Rudolf Breuss – from the book ‘The Breuss Cancer Cure’

Up until 1990 approximately 45,000 (most probably more) cancer patients and patients with seemingly incurable diseases have recovered using this fast.

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