What Are Antioxidants?
April 17th, 2011 by health

What Are Antioxidants?


Very few people have a desire to be sick, but there are also far too few people who know that antioxidants are one of the best ways to prevent you from being sick. To put it quite simply, antioxidants prevent or impair the oxidation of other molecules.

While this can sound like a bad thing on the surface, keep in mind that there are plenty of molecules you do not want oxidized. For instance, brain diseases (including even Alzheimer’s!) are linked to the oxidation of certain molecules. Heart disease is another illness that antioxidants can help prevent. Finally, exercise can cause muscle fatigue through over-oxidation of the body. It is therefore extremely important for people to know what foods will introduce antioxidants into their bodies.

One example of antioxidants is certain vitamins such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E. This means that you can introduce antioxidants into your body by eating fruits and vegetables.

Your body’s susceptibility to disease will decrease as you increase the antioxidants you introduce to your body through the regular consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Fish is another excellent source of antioxidants. By eating certain fish – with salmon, grouper, and flounder among the best of them – you can help your body a ton, by giving it antioxidants, along with important proteins and minerals. You can even increase your intake of antioxidants further by cooking the fish in extra virgin olive oil.

Dark chocolate, red wine, and green tea are three of the easiest ways by which you can get antioxidants into your body. While wine and chocolate are not good for your body when consumed in excess, both are very helpful, if you take them in small doses.

And as for green tea, you can add antioxidants into your body and have a thoroughly relaxing drink, all at the same time. Each of these is an easy, pain-free way to introduce antioxidants into your body, and to consequently keep yourself healthier.

While it is very easy to just consume whatever we want and not pay attention to what is good and what is bad, it is nearly as easy to actually learn and pay attention. And by simply taking the time to watch what you put into your body, you will keep your body healthier, and you will enjoy life a whole lot more.

Recommended Healthy Diet Resource…

Healing Gourmet

The world’s most comprehensive nutritional transformation program – Your Plate, Your Fate. Organic menu plans. 10 part e-book series. 100,000 page membership site included.

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Recommended Antioxidants Book…

The Antioxidant Miracle: Put Lipoic Acid, Pycnogenol, and Vitamins E and C to Work for You
by: Lester Packer
publisher: Wiley, published: 1999-12-10
ASIN: 0471353116
EAN: 9780471353119
sales rank: 89028
price: $3.83 (new), $2.09 (used)

Imagine there was an easy way you could keep your heart strong, your mind sharp, and your body youthful. Imagine this program could keep you young, improve your sex life, prevent cancer and heart disease, and keep your skin supple and wrinkle-free. And perhaps best of all, imagine this was something readily available at your local drugstore or natural food store. These and other benefits are the miraculous results of antioxidants. Lester Packer is the world’s foremost authority on these natural healers. In The Antioxidant Miracle, he explains for the first time exactly how you can design a practical, personalized antioxidant program for disease prevention and optimal wellness.

The Antioxidant Miracle is the first popular book to reveal the full range of healing benefits of lipoic acid, the most versatile and powerful antioxidant and nature’s secret weapon in treating heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and liver disease. This breakthrough book also unveils the astonishing strength of the antioxidant network, the combination of vitamin E, vitamin C, lipoic acid, Co Q10, and glutathione that-when taken together in the proper amounts-battles disease and aging far more aggressively than supplements taken individually.

After an accessible explanation of the science behind antioxidants, Packer and bestselling health writer Carol Colman show you how to develop your own state-of-the-art supplement regimen designed to keep your body strong, your brain at full speed, and your antioxidant network working at its peak. They include specialized supplement programs for smokers, diabetics, people with a family history of cancer or heart disease, menopausal women, athletes, and picky eaters. You’ll find out how to incorporate antioxidant-rich foods easily into your diet and develop your own plan for smooth, healthy, young looking skin. And you’ll discover the benefits of “booster” antioxidants-bioflavonoids like ginkgo biloba and Pycnogenol-and others like beta carotene and selenium.

The Antioxidant Miracle can enhance and extend your life. Make the antioxidant miracle work for you!

Advance acclaim for The Antioxidant Miracle
* “Finally, a book by a renowned and active researcher that proves the value of nutritional supplements. The Antioxidant Miracle provides a shield protecting us from disease and ensuring health. The information in this book could save your life!”Julian Whitaker, M.D., Founder, Whitaker Wellness Institute and
* Editor of Health and Healing.

“Life is like a candle flame, and antioxidants make it burn brighter and longer. Lester Packer is the keeper of the flame. For those of us seeking to combat the debility and diseases of aging, The Antioxidant Miracle is an essential tool.-William Regelson, M.D., Coauthor of the New York Times bestseller, The Melatonin Miracle

“Any health-conscious person will want to read The Antioxidant Miracle. It makes the understanding of these miracle nutrients easy to comprehend and utilize in his or her everyday life.-Earl Mindell. Author of The Herb Bible, The Vitamin Bible, and The Supplement Bible.

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