The Difficulty In Diagnosing Bipolar Disorders
April 29th, 2010 by Aldouspi

bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder comes in three different forms.

It is often difficult to diagnose because the sufferer may ignore the warning signs until it is becomes a very developed problem.

If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be suffering from bipolar disorder, you should contact your physician to determine if a referral to a psychiatrist is in order. Catching symptoms of bipolar disorder early can save a lot of pain later.

The basic problem that is happening to the sufferers is in the emotions – notably severe emotional swings. The brain is releasing positive and negative stimulation regardless of the circumstances. This results in inexplicable highs and lows.

Bipolar I Disorder

The first type of bipolar disorder is also called manic depression. It is characterized by very high highs and very low lows. Symptoms include feeling overly self-confident, but distracted at the same time.

A manic person will talk incessantly, trying to keep up with racing thoughts. The person will be very social or agitated, but will also engage in pleasurable activities without considering the consequences.

On the other side of the disorder, the manic depressive person will have severe bouts of depression, similar to those of a person suffering from major depressive disorder.

The depression will always be saddening, but the mania is not always predictable. Sometimes it will feel good to the person, but other times will make them feel irritable and agitated.

Bipolar II Disorder

The second recognized form of bipolar disorder is characterized by much deeper and longer bouts of depression, but the mania symptoms are not quite so severe.

The person suffering from Bipolar II Disorder experiences small highs and strong lows. The highs are not so effective at disrupting the person’s life or at changing their personality, but they can be frustrating anyway.

The low points in the person’s life can be impairing and can severely affect everyday functioning. It is also important to note that a sufferer of Bipolar II Disorder is at risk for having a manic episode to the extent of that which happens in Bipolar I Disorder.

Cyclothymic Disorder

This form of bipolar disorder is recognized by its tendency to cause constant mood swings.

The patient that has Cyclothymic Disorder will never suffer severely enough to be diagnosed with either mania or depression. Instead they will be constantly swinging from ups to downs to ups and to downs again.

The person with this disorder probably feels unstable. They are not thought of as reliable and are often not the most productive people.

There are treatments available for all types of Bipolar Disorder.

Someone with any of the forms of the disorder will probably be medicated for the rest of their life. To avoid over-diagnosis or incorrect diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, you should carefully evaluate yourself along with the help of a psychiatrist to determine if there is any other cause for any mood swings.

Common causes for manic and depressive symptoms include substance abuse and Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder.

Many drugs will affect a person’s mood in much the same way as Bipolar Disorder. Y

ounger patients are those who are at most risk for being improperly diagnosed when it comes to ADHD.

In any case, the diagnosis should be certain before treatment is administered.

There are treatments available for all types of Bipolar Disorder.

One source for this article: Frances, Allen MD and First, Michael B. MD. Your Mental Health: A Layman’s Guide to the Psychiatrist’s Bible. New York: Scribner, 1998.


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