Your Questions About HIV Symptoms In Men
August 5th, 2011 by health

Carol asks…

what is early hiv symptoms in men?

health answers:

In most cases, there are no early HIV symptoms in men or women. This is what makes it so dangerous and easy to unknowingly transmit the HIV – because a person with HIV may feel completely fine.

In some cases however, someone infected with HIV may experience a fever, rash, joint pains and enlarged lymph nodes. Since these can be symptoms of many other things, the only way to be completely sure is to be tested. Generally, symptoms don’t usually surface until the HIV has progressed into AIDS.

This is why it is so important to be tested after you participated in any acivity that could expose you to HIV

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Michael asks…

how long before HIV symptoms reflects in men?

how many months or years before they start having the signs?

health answers:

Signs and Symptoms of HIV/AIDS

Early Signs and Symptoms of HIV AIDS
Some people experience signs and symptoms of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), as soon as they become infected, others do not. Signs and symptoms are often mistaken for flu or a mild viral infection. The person appears to recover, usually between a week to month later. Signs and symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Enlarged lymph nodes (neck, armpits and groin).

As you can see, the signs and symptoms are similar to many different viral infections and diseases. The only way to know if you are infected with HIV is to be tested. Many people infected with HIV do not have any signs and symptoms for many years.

Later Signs and Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
The Center for Disease Control (CDC), gives the following signs and symptoms that may be warning signs of infection with HIV. They are:

  • rapid weight loss
  • dry cough
  • recurring fever or profuse night sweats
  • profound and unexplained fatigue
  • swollen lymph glands in the armpits, groin, or neck
  • diarrhea that lasts for more than a week
  • white spots or unusual blemishes on the tongue, in the mouth, or in the throat
  • pneumonia
  • red, brown, pink, or purplish blotches on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose, or eyelids
  • memory loss, depression, and other neurological disorders

HIV destroys white blood cells that are required to fight infection. As the white cell count falls to dangerous levels infections and diseases emerge. It is at this point that a person is said to have AIDS, Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

As with HIV, you cannot rely on these signs and symptoms to establish that a person has AIDS. The symptoms of AIDS are similar to the symptoms of many other illnesses and diseases. AIDS, is a medical diagnosis made by a medical doctor based on specific criteria established by the CDC.

Ken asks…

How do I find out if I have aids?

This summer in June, I had unprotected sex twice in one night… Later, I looked up aids/hiv symptoms for men and I’m scared that I’m infected because I have a sore throat, but it could just be from the cold, should I go get tested? I found out later on that he’s been with a lot of men.

health answers:

I believe that whenever you have sex with someone new – you owe it to yourself and your new partner to get tested. Psychologically, it is important to remove the uncertainty. And besies HIV thereare other STD’s to be concerned about…

So, you need to go and see your Doctor to get a blood test done. If you don’t have a doctor there are usually local health clinics that will test you for free or for a small fee. And you can also get tested through websites on the Internet… For example,

Depending upon the timing of this first blood test, you may need to have a follow up one, 3 months later, as the virus may not really show up – test-wise until 3 months after being infected.

William asks…


what does having hiv/aids physically feel like to the affected person? what are the symptoms and what is the average life-span of a person who gets it?

I also heard you get worms in your skin at the last stages of having hiv/aids, is this true?

health answers:

Because of the medical treatments available today – many people who have been infected with HIV are living relatively longer and more normal lives. Still there is no “cure” for the disease. The main treatment is about suppressing the virus and preventing it from debilitating your immune system.

What does it feel like? It all depends upon what you catch when your autoimmune system is not working correctly (AIDs is an autoimmune disease) from pneumonia to cancers – it is not fun…

“Worms?” Don’t let you imagination go crazy…

For more about AIDs, check out this website:

Mark asks…

Women, knowing the risk of HIV/AIDS would you date a military guy?

I was wondering just how many military wives get tested for AIDS, you may be faithful, but your husband/boyfriend/kid’s father, may not be. You should get tested every 6 months because that’s how long it takes for it to show up in a test, and it can take up to 5 years before you feel or see symptoms.

health answers:

What goes on between spouses is private. Trust and agreements are the parameters that they determine within their own relationships. Being a man or woman serving in the military, does not make you less likely to uphold your agreements within a relationship, than anyone else.

Of course, anyone who is far away from their spouse or adult partner, for long periods of time, may be faced with difficult temptations. But how they deal with those temptations depends upon their individual character. Men and women, who never wander 25 miles from home, can be “unfaithful,” too…

Personally, I know that the vast majority men and women serving this country overseas, and at home, are honorable, trying to do their best for all of us. Enough said on that… Personally, I think it is time to end the wars and bring our troops home… And we should have a national solarization project and similar projects to limit our dependence on political controlled oil and let the rest of the world take care of themselves…

The responsible thing for anyone who has unprotected sex with a new partner or does other activities that exposes themselves to HIV should get tested, no matter what your role in life is.

Answers provided are not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor. Powered by Yahoo! Answers

HIV Symptoms In Men

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