Your Questions About Antisocial Personality Disorder Treatment
June 8th, 2012 by health

William asks…

Are there any treatments from Antisocial Personality Disorder?

I have taken numerous psychology classes during my schooling and none have ever talked about treatment for an Antisocial Personality. Are there any?

My mother has Anti-social Personality Disorder. I am having a hard time convincing my siblings that she is beyond help. My mother did horrendous things to us when we were growing up. But my siblings have found “God” and think they can somehow make her better. I know it is a terrible thing to admit, but it is something I have come to terms with. She will never get better. Never. My mother does not have empathy, she has no regard for the law, or anything else.
Just recently she tried to open up credit cards in my sister’s name without telling her. Luckily my sister found the credit cards in the mail before my mother got them. I tried to tell her that my mother would have maxed them out and left her the bill without thinking twice about it. My mother went to jail a few years ago because she was conning old couples out of their money, but got off with just a year.
My brother is mentally retarded and on disability. She is trying to get his disability cheques. She really is an evil person.

I just don’t know how to explain to them that she is beyond help and that they should cut all contact with her. I have not spoken to her since I was 18 years old (I am 25 now). But I need concrete research to give them, my sister mainly. My brothers caregiver would probably like to read it too.


health answers:

I have a step sister who sounds like your mother and has caused me and everyone she comes in contact with problems. I couldn’t understand her behavior, then a doctor sent me to this webpage and it sounded just like her. The webpage is, it’s on personality disorders. You can also read the book: The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout and Without Conscience by: Robert Hare
his website is: From everything I’ve read there is no treatment, but the books can help you learn how to deal with this type of person I hope this helps.

Chris asks…

How to handle a person with antisocial personality disorder who refuses to participate in group activities?

He refuses to participate in group activities and makes fun of other clients, calling them names. what should I do?
choices: a. Set ground rules b. call a team meeting to duscuss the treatment plan

health answers:

Where did you get your medical degree? Not everyone is group oriented. You should leave him alone. Or, if you’re really advanced, you could coax out his strengths and put them to good use.

Thomas asks…

How do you help a sibling with drug/alcohol problems but could also have antisocial personality disorder?

My younger brother is 20. He has been in rehab twice for drug/alcohol problems. At one point he was taking 30+ Xanax ‘bars’ a day until we got him into a program and detoxed.

Every time he gets out of rehab, he eventually goes out and gets his ‘fix’ again and gets hooked.

He even moved 2,000 miles away for a while to live with my Mother in CA. He did not know a soul there and still managed to find dope.

I think the reason he has such a hard time giving everything up is because he also has antisocial personality disorder. He seems to have no regard for other people’s feelings. He is very impulsive and a terrific liar and con. He plays on our (his family’s) emotions because he knows we want him to get help and always want to believe he is getting better….and then he will steal from us right under our nose.

I have been reading about antisocial personality disorder and know that the treatment of the disorder must be done first. He needs real behavior modification therapy to improve decision making skills. He could also use a mood stabilizer to help manage anger issues.

I guess what I would like to know is….how do you talk to someone about this disorder who has such blatant disregard for other people’s rights/feelings and even his own well being? How do you talk to someone who is virtually impossible to communicate with? How do you talk to someone who only indulges in conversation when there is some hidden motive to get something he wants?

How do you make someone realize the need for therapy?

health answers:

Hey there im a recovering addict myself and it took me a long time to finally clean up my act. It took me until i hit rock bottom and was basically homeless to realize i needed help. The best thing you can do is just keep talking to him and don’t give up hope know what i mean? Try an intervention maybe? Just keep having heart to hearts with him and let him know he’s not only hurting himself but also your family, and that you can’t see him live like this anymore. Unfortunately the rehab thing might take awhile to click but just never give up hope.
Well hopefully i kinda helped you out a little jus somethin to think about

Mandy asks…

Do I have antisocial personality disorder?

Admittedly, I’m a pretty big sick fcuk. Blood, guts, gore, people upset, people dying, especially people being tortured as painfully as possible it all gets me excited. Maybe it was because my parents beat me daily, maybe it was because the time I spent in jail for aggravated assault, maybe it’s because all of the drugs I’ve done. I don’t know, but what I do know is that I want a better world for no one. I just want things to go my way. Everything else doesn’t concern me.

I hate fat or ugly people. For some reason whenever I’m walking by them I get so angry, I feel like punching them and beating them up. I don’t even know why I feel this way, it’s inherit, it’s like instinct. And yesterday, this girl got into a car crash outside my house and her entire head split open and I was there watching her and there was blood everywhere and I got so excited, I was biting my lip, my heart was beating so fast and I felt like ruining up to her and kicking her in the head while the paramedics were holding her and watching it pop right off like a soccer ball.

Is this antisocial personality disorder or just what? If it is, do I just continue living my angry self-centered life? Therapy has been shown to have little or no effect in the the treatment of antisocial behavior. There is no cure.

health answers:

Yeah, it sounds like you have antisocial personality disorder. There is a good chance that what happened in your past caused it. And there actually is treatment and medication for it. Which proves to be very effective in most people. One of my good friends worked with people who were emotionally disturbed and had personality disorders such as this. He said many of them were able to improve their condition with medical treatment. Now go get help before you do something stupid.

Richard asks…

Antisocial Personality Disorder ?

are you living or someone you know living with Antisocial Personality Disorder ?What are the treatments you are recieaving ? are the working ? If so what percenatage comapred to before you started? I dont just mean just medication.It can be therapy,behaviriol modifiaction,
Psychotherapy,Cognitive therapy,Addiction and Family Counseling,Hospitalization any thing.Any information you cangive me would help.I truly believe this Disorder Is one Of the More severe in my personal oponin of mental health disorders.This happens to be one of the disorders i am not best qualified with.I am a speacial eduacation ,Autism,Mental and Behavirol Health Parent Volunteer as well as a parent of a Child Living succcessfully with Aspergers.No i am not LIC but having been in this field over 10 years i well think i qualifed to give a personal opinion.Thank you Cess.

health answers:

There is no treatment that really works for ASPD. Personlaity disorders in general are difficult to treat, especially ASPD.

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