Your Questions About Compound W Freeze Off Plantar
June 29th, 2012 by health

Thomas asks…

Should I keep using compound w bandaid on plantar wart on my finger?

I wore Compound W bandaids on my plantar wart that is on my finger (after trying to freeze it with dr. Schols) for a week and 3 days. The skin turned white and finally fell off. But under the skin that came off is a small hole which is where the white gooey stuff from the wart was. Last night I tooK CLEAN SANITiZED Tweezers and pulled all the black “seeds” I could see out. Now I am left with a little bit of raised skin where the bandaid/medicine pulled it off, and the small hole. I’ve read about how I may not have got it all and it could come back. So to prevent that I’m wondering if I should put another compound w bandaid on it?
I know plantar warts on are feet, but I can guarentee I had one on my finger. My doctor even told me to try the freeze stuff on my “plantar wart” it was not a bubble on the outside it was a bump with a fisheye and I saw two doctors about it. But thank you. I won’t reapply.

health answers:

It’s not a plantar wart. Anyhow, you can not use the compound over broken, inflamed or leaking skin/derma. You must wait for it to heal, then treat it again. I would go to a doctor.

Linda asks…

Whats it like to get a plantar wart frozen off?

I think i am getting a plantar wart frozen off tomorrow. I have 2 though, but would they do more than 1.
I have never have a wart frozen off before and nobody in my family has either (they used compound W).
Whats does it feel like….

health answers:

Um its realy cold but its fine:)

William asks…

How to remove plantar warts fast?

On my right foot there are two plantar warts that I want to get rid of. I’ve been using salicylic acid (pads and liquid drops), Compound W Freeze Off, and Compound W bandaids with salicylic acid in the center. There hasn’t been any signs of improvement, which is disappointing me. Would it be best to see a doctor and have then dug out or is there an even faster way? These warts are painful and I cannot stand the fact there is a wart growing in my foot! HELP!!!

health answers:

It doesn’t work all the time, but for some people soaking the warts in apple cider vinegar seems to be a wonder cure. As a medical student I am normally very hesitant to recommend homeopathic medicine… But I saw this work like a charm. Look it up on google. Its relatively painless, and worked on a friend’s hand when freezing treatments didn’t.

Chris asks…

A stubborn plantar wart question…?

I am a “healthy” 22 year old male college student with a normal medical history and no major illnesses. For about 2 years now I have had problems with stubborn plantar warts. I’m not sure where/how I got them, but I know my mom/fiance/and sister all have at least one from sharing the same shower (I probably gave it to them). I first noticed one large wart on my foot about 2 years ago, and more popped up starting last summer (I believe). Last january I began treating my warts in a sloppy fashion with % salicylic acid. For 2 mos. I saw a small decrease in size (never exfoliated or anything due to lack of time). Just this month I decided to see my doctor, and he treated them with cryotherapy. There was a significant decrease in size, but they were still there. I bought compound W freeze off stuff and treated it 2 times since, regularly exfoliating and all. They are still there. My Q is: Should I give the duct tape method a try? Is there anyone out there who has had succuss with it?

health answers:

Experience tells me you need to go to a podiatrist. My son (size 18 shoe foot) had over 20 he plays basketball I’m sure he got them in the shower room. Anyway it only took one treatment at the podiatrist, totally painless and they were gone in a week. Dont waste your time with over the counter stuff its fine for a hand or body warts but feet are tough.

Laura asks…

Should I or not?

I have 2 very painful plantar warts on the bottom of my feet. I run, so I need to get them off asap (for cc season). The one on my right foot is between my last two toes, so it’s hard to treat(when i tried the compound w gel, it killed the skin on my little toe ouch!). I have also tried duct tape, but since it’s summer it falls off. Now, as a last resort, i bought compound w freeze off stuff. The thing i’m worried about is the fact that i have been trying (without success) to treat them with the gel (it’s on, as well as a wart patch, this very minute) but the instructions say to not mix it with any other product. What should I do and how lond should I wait before I use the freeze off stuff?

health answers:

Once the skin looks normal (as normal as it should look) hit it with the freeze stuff if ya want. But you should really go see a doctor (maybe a podiatrist) to really get it taken care of right since you run competatively.

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