PMS and Aromatherapy
October 11th, 2011 by AldouspiE

PMS and Aromatherapy

PMS or Pre Menstrual Syndrome affects many women. It is the period of time before a woman expects her period and usually is a time of great discomfort. PMS may occur between seven to fourteen days before a woman’s menstruation begins. Hormones may fluctuate during this time and the symptoms of PMS may range from mild to extreme. PMS leaves after the menstruation begins and returns a week or two before the next cycle of menstruation begins. The Menstrual Cycle is a very important cycle that takes place in women. It allows for reproduction and it starts at puberty and ends when a woman enters Menopause.

Some of the symptoms associated with PMS include mood swings, anxiety, depression, food cravings, headaches, retaining water or edema, and tenderness in the breasts. Some of the symptoms of PMS may become so severe that they interfere with the functions of normal day-to-day life. This may inhibit their work performance, home life, and they may need to seek medical treatment for relief. In some women, the depression can become so severe that thoughts of death and suicide are prevalent. This requires immediate attention by a trained professional and should not be ignored.

Those who suffer from PMS should seek help from their physician. Don’t be embarrassed to talk about it and don’t make the mistake of believing that it is all in your head. Many years ago, physicians didn’t validate the fact that women had PMS, but today there is new scientific evidence that proves that PMS is a valid condition.

There are many over the counter medications and prescriptions that are effective in treating the symptoms of PMS. Most doctors recommend that you treat each symptom as it arises. There are remedies to treat water retention, headaches, and mood swings. However if your PMS symptoms are so sever and the depression is overwhelming, you should seek the help of a professional.

There are many herbs and remedies that will help treat the many symptoms of PMS. Many herbs will treat headache such as Peppermint and Eucalyptus. Other herbs will help balance a woman’s hormones and help relieve the effects of PMS. Some of the herbs that will balance a woman’s hormones include: Angelica, Black Haw, Chamomile, Goldenseal, Motherwort, Pennyroyal, Safflower, Beth Root, Blessed Thistle, Damiana, Horsetail, Mugwort, Prickly Ash, Squaw Vine, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Gentian, Mistletoe, Myrrh, and Tansy.

It is very important not to use any of the above listed herbs during pregnancy. These herbs will help promote your menstruation but may have devasting results if you are pregnant. They may encourage a miscarriage; so only use them when you are certain that you are not pregnant.

Aromatherapy can help with PMS and can encourage an atmosphere for relaxation. Using aromatic baths can soothe away the pain and tension associated with PMS and can also effectively remove some of the edema or water retention. Try adding German Chamomile to a hot bath and soaking for at least 20 minutes. If you are using the essential oil, you can add up to 20 drops for therapeutic benefits.

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