Benefits of Inversion Tables – Exercise for Your Back & Circulation
December 17th, 2016 by Aldouspi

Ever wonder about about inversion tables? You’ve probably seen the ads for these things, they’re the device that lets you hang upside down to relieve back pain, increase your circulation, decompress your joints, and give you an overall good healthy feeling. Just like yoga is designed to do.

But hanging upside down is something we just don’t do in our normal routines. I personally own and use an inversion table regularly and let me tell you, I’m a big fan. I injured my back and had a couple herniations years ago. Whenever it flairs up, about 3 or 4 days on the inversion table and I am good to go. I try to do it at least a couple of time a week. After a 10 to 15 minute sessions it is amazing. My back feels rejuvenated, my neck is limber, my circulation is pumping… every muscle in my body feels like it just got a good, healthy condition and my muscles get a healthy stretch.

And those aren’t the only benefits of using an inversion table. Inversion therapy is often used as a non-invasive answer for back conditions and muscle sciatica, herniation especially for people who want to avoid surgery. Along with good chiropractic care, acupuncture, and massage, an inversion table can help prevent the need for surgery in a multitude of cases.

If you’ve got a back problem and you’re considering surgery or your doctor is talking about it, I would suggest exercising extreme caution and exhaust non-surgical methods of relief first. Right now in the medical toolbox, they even have PRP, platelet rich plasma, prolotherapy, prolozone.

There are a lot of non surgical options available. Believe it or not, many people who have had back surgery will tell you that even if the acute problem was “fixed” that, overall, they’re not “back to normal.” They ultimately deal with problems – usually for the rest of their life.

Remember — everybody’s situation is different, but, according to information published by James Cook University Hospital, inversion therapy may help some people avoid surgery. There’s also some research to suggest that inversion therapy can help with kidney stones. With all of the poor diets, almost everyone has Kidney stones these days especially with high protein consumption. The body is unable to break down these foods in the intestinal lining.

Kidney stones, which are excruciating, can cause complications, if the stones are big enough. In fact, when that happens, there’s a procedure that is used to send a targeted shock wave through your body to break up the stones into small pieces so they pass more easily. A number of studies have shown that being inverted can help your body push out the kidney stone fragments.

Now, using an inversion table is a little bit like a using a sauna — it’s a great therapy, but there are a few things you need to be aware of. First off, the UCLA School of Medicine warns that inversion increases both pulse and blood pressure. This may not be a big deal… BUT if you have high blood pressure or other cardiovascular issues, you should probably avoid inversion therapy unless your own doctor personally tells you otherwise. Or address your blood pressure naturally possibly through a cleansing process.

Also, a study that evaluated the effects of inversion therapy on people with chronic back pain noted a low risk of headache and temporary blurred vision just something to be aware of. However, I contribute that to all of the blood flow rushing to the head. It actually happens to me sometimes. I get blurred vision for like an hour, but I think that is a good thing because when you push more of that blood into the brain and eyes.

You are also pushing more nutrients and water into the brain. But you should also be aware that the same study reported that over 80% of the participants experienced improvement in their back problems from inversion therapy.

A lot of people have computer syndrome where their neck and muscles in their neck are tight. There are actual traction units too that you can get. And hang them over the door. It actually lifts your neck up, but inversion therapy is a very cost effective way to keep your spine healthy. Along with regular chiropractic adjustments.

The key is just to introduce yourself to inversion gradually and listen to your body. If it’s uncomfortable, turn yourself right side up. When you invert you are going to go down, but not straight down. I usually recommend being at a slight angle. Until you are experienced enough. Then you can go straight down and invert yourself. If you are uncomfortable just come all the way up. Take a break and come back down.

You can start by doing it maybe 30 seconds at a time before you come. Then 45 seconds and then a minute. I usually won’t hang for more than a minute at a time. I might do the therapy for 15 minutes, but I will hang 1 minute down then come up for 30 seconds and then go back down for another minute.

The big question: Is inversion therapy right for you? I think every single person on the planet should have an inversion table. They are just incredible. An incredible way to increase circulation and keep your spine healthy. It depends on your own needs and goals. I really like it for stretching and boosting my circulation. I feel like it gives me energy. In that way, it’s a great piece of equipment.

If you’re looking for a remedy for back problems, just remember that back problems have many causes and everyone needs to be individually considered. There are some cases where an inversion table can make your back problem worse. That is why you need to check with a doctor or natural health care practitioner to see if you have any serious condition in your back before you get on an inversion table.

Like someone who has been in a car accident who has a lot of acute inflammation or an acute sports injury that you really don’t want do an inversion table right after the injury happens during the acute stage. This is the first few weeks because you have so much inflammation and swelling that it can actually make it worse.

You can’t lump all back problems into one category and say an inversion table is the right approach for everyone, because that might not be true. But, if you’ve been working with a healthcare advisor to address your own back issues, bring it up and discuss with them the possibility of using an inversion table for your situation. It might be a good solution to help your suffering.

ESPECIALLY if you have high blood pressure, heart issues, are overweight, or have other individual concerns… just talk to your doctor first. And if you do start looking to use an inversion table, pay attention to the quality, especially the ankle lock.

With some of the cheaper versions of inversion tables, the ankle lock has broken and and people have hit their heads. That is extremely dangerous. The last thing you want is to be hanging upside down and something breaks. I’m not getting paid to endorse any companies, but I use the Teeter-Ups brand. The one I have works great and I have had it for years. There are others out there, just check reviews and look at what others are saying.

Inversion tables and inversion therapy have a lot to offer. If you think it might benefit your life, I’d suggest checking one out. For more tips and information about the best natural remedies for healthy living, be sure to check out

As found on Youtube

-> Best Selling Inversion Table on Amazon: IRONMAN Gravity 4000 Highest Weight Capacity Inversion Table

Benefits of Inversion Therapy video

News About Inversion Therapy

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