How do I locate an Acupuncturist
September 22nd, 2010 by Aldouspi

How do I locate an Acupuncturist?

Acupuncture has become a very popular treatment for a variety of health-related issues, from relieving stress and anxiety to all sorts of body pain. Acupuncture can be risky because of a number of factors-mainly, the sterility of needles and the training of the acupuncturist. Be safe by finding a certified acupuncturist. How, you ask? There are a number of ways to locate a reputable professional.

Word of mouth is a great way to find an acupuncturist. You would be surprised at the number of people who have regular acupuncture treatments. For some, it’s like going to the chiropractor to get your back realigned – a weekly or bi-weekly treatment to make life easier. Ask your circle of friends for their opinions on local acupuncturists. Maybe they see an acupuncturist that they really like or maybe they have seen an acupuncturist that they did not like. Both are important to note. If a friend has a bad experience with an acupuncturist, be careful. There are many unlicensed practitioners, and seeing one of these acupuncturists is definitely more risky. If your friends do not see an acupuncturist, perhaps someone they know does. This is the beauty of word of mouth; there is an endless network of opinions and resources.

Beyond friends, many healthcare professionals, like your physician or nurse, can help you find licensed acupuncturists. In fact, because of its popularity and effectiveness, many medical professionals are becoming certified acupuncturists. If your doctor recommends acupuncture as a method of treatment, he or she will also most likely be able to recommend a few licensed practitioners, and advice from another medical professional is usually trustworthy.

Another reliable method of finding an acupuncturist is to search online through acupuncture associations. Because most states require acupuncturists to be licensed, there is also a database of competent acupuncture practitioners. One association, the American Association of Oriental Medicine, has a nationwide acupuncture search available. This association is comprised of state acupuncture and medical boards. Besides the nationwide search, there are also links to each state medical board or acupuncture licensing department, where you may also search for licensed practitioners near you.

When looking for an acupuncturist, your main concerns should be safety and comfort. Ask to see the credentials for the acupuncturist and confirm that he or she is licensed by contacting your state’s acupuncture licensing board. And be sure to arrange an initial meeting with an acupuncturist to learn about his or her methods and professionalism. Just remember: finding a good acupuncturist isn’t as hard as it looks.

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