Why You Should Know Your Cholesterol Levels
December 27th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Why You Should Know Your Cholesterol Levels

You hear about it in the news and read it in the health magazines. But do you what your cholesterol levels mean? Here is a look at why you should know what your cholesterol levels.

How much cholesterol you have in your blood determines the amount of risk that you have of developing heart problems. So knowing what your cholesterol levels are will help you determine if you are at risk. The higher your blood cholesterol levels go, the higher your risk is, and vice versa.

Deaths from heart problems related to high cholesterol are increasing every year. Even in less extreme cases, patients with high cholesterol levels can have other heart related problems if the the problem is left untreated.

To understand how cholesterol works, it is helpful to understand a little about what it is. Basically, cholesterol is similar to fat and is found naturally in your blood. When your cholesterol levels are too high, the excess can build up along the sides of your arteries. This narrows and clogs the arteries, which in turn slows down the rate that blood can flow through them. As the rate of blood flow is slowed down, oxygen has a harder time reaching your heart and other organs. If the cholesterol becomes severe enough to block the artery entirely, then you could suffer from a heart attack.

Unfortunately, there are often no visible signs of high cholesterol, so if you are not seeing a doctor regularly you may not even realize that you have a problem. Only a doctor can tell you if your cholesterol levels are abnormal with a simple blood test.

You should know what your cholesterol levels are so you can determine your risk for other health problems. The more you are aware of the problem, if any, the easier it is to lower and control your levels. Sometimes this can be done through simple changes to your diet and exercise routine, other times a medication regime may be needed.

If you are over the age of twenty, the most common test for cholesterol is a lipoprotein test. You will have to go without eating for at least 12 hours before taking the test. You will then have to go to a lab and give a sample of blood. This sample will be analyzed, and you will usually receive the results within a few days. These levels were show you not only your total cholesterol levels, which can be an indicator or overall health, but also the levels of your LDL and HDL cholesterol and your triglycerides. LDL is known as “bad” cholesterol, and the higher the number means the higher the risk. On the other hand HDL cholesterol is your “good” cholesterol, and if that number is too low you could be at a higher risk.

If your levels are abnormal and your doctor is concerned, you may have to take some steps to lower your cholesterol. After a set amount of time your doctor will have you repeat the test, and your cholesterol levels will generally be monitored on a regular basis.

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