High Cholesterol In Children
March 8th, 2011 by Aldouspi

High Cholesterol In Children

High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a concern for anyone, but especially when it occurs in children. Here is a look at what it is and what can be done about it.

High cholesterol – what is it?

High cholesterol happens when you have an excessive amount of cholesterol in your blood. There are many factors, from genetics, lifestyles, and diseases that can cause it, but all of them put you at an increased risk of having heart problems – It has been linked to heart attacks and stroke. Basically, over time the excess cholesterol starts to line the walls of your arteries. This can slow down or even stop the flow of blood to the heart, brain, and other vital organs.

Why do we have cholesterol?

Cholesterol is made naturally in our bodies and is used to create hormones and cells. It is also found in the animal products that we eat, such as fish, eggs, and dairy products. You cannot survive without cholesterol, but you need to make sure that your different cholesterol levels are in balance. Too much of one type or too little of another can put you at an increased risk for heart disease.

Cholesterol levels in children

The cholesterol guidelines for children are slightly different than those for adults. In general, children between 2 and 19 years of age should have a total blood cholesterol of under 170 with an LDL cholesterol level of under 100.

Total cholesterol levels between 170 and 200, with LDL levels between 100 and 130, are considered borderline risk.

Children with cholesterol levels greater than 200 and with LDL levels of greater than 130 are considered high risk for health problems, particularly girls with HDL levels under 50 and boys with HDL levels under 45. Some doctors recommend treatment for children with LDL levels over 100, if they have a family history of heart problems, and others will be stricter with limits if the child has had previous heart problems.

Do kids need treatment?

There are several reasons why children with high cholesterol need to be treated. Having higher cholesterol levels at a young age can place them at an increased risk for cholesterol-related problems as adults. Arterial damage can occur from cholesterol, even in young adults and teens. Plus, healthy habits are learned, so teaching them at a young age can protect kids from health problems later on.

Treatment for high cholesterol

For most children, dietary changes are the primary treatment for high cholesterol. Making these can improve your child’s overall health as well as the health of the rest of your family. Limit fat intake to under 30% of the calories eaten in a day. Keep calorie counts between 1500 and 2400 calories per day, depending on your child’s age and activity levels. Cut back on saturated fats whenever possible, choosing lean meats, low fat dairy products, and healthier cooking oils. Do not limit fat entirely.

Increase fiber intake to 25-30 grams per day by including whole grains, cereals and vegetables into the diet. Avoid sugary foods as much as possible, particularly nutrient-void foods like candy and sodas.

Other ways to keep down cholesterol levels

Your child will be more successful with cholesterol lowering solutions, if the entire family participates in the program. Children learn by example, and this will also prevent them from feeling “singled out”.

Make foods appealing and try to eat at home as much as possible. Allow kids to participate in meal planning and encourage physical activities. Above all, be realistic. It is next to impossible to avoid the temptation of sugary sweets or a day of video games 100% of the time. By keeping all things in moderation your child can be happy and healthy.

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