The Other Eating Disorder: Bulimia
August 21st, 2010 by Aldouspi

The Other Eating Disorder: Bulimia

When someone mentions the words “eating disorder,” the first thing that pops into most people’s minds is anorexia. While anorexia is, in fact, a very serious eating disorder that needs much attention to overcome, other eating disorders should not be overlooked as less serious. One other type of eating disorder is bulimia nervosa, simply called bulimia for short.

Bulimic individuals often have as distorted views about food as anorexics have. However, bulimia is characterized by the inability to resist food. Bulimics, instead of starving themselves, binge eat (or eat excessive amounts) and then “purge”-relieve the body of the food it has consumed through induced vomiting or laxative abuse. This can be very dangerous to a body for many reasons-not only are bulimics depriving their bodies of nutrients, but they are also harming their digestive tract. Vomiting excessively, for example, can damage the throat and cause stomach ulcers. It can also lead to dehydration, because most of the weight you get rid of is from water.

You should be suspicious of bulimia if a person eats excessively and then excuses him or herself to the restroom after every single meal. Bulimic can have weight problems as well, but normal body weight is common. However, like anorexics, they have poor body image and may seem overly concerned or even obsessed with their own body and the bodies of others. Crash diets and sudden bouts of intense exercising are common.

There is no one cause for bulimia, but instead many factors can play a role in this dangerous disease. Often, bulimics are overweight in earlier years and have been teased. They may also be concerned with looks due to influences in the media or in social situations. Some try anorexia, and when resisting food is too difficult, they become bulimic. Bulimics are most commonly female, but males are not immune to this deadly disease, since the perfect male image portrayed in the media is one which is lean and muscular.

If you suspect someone you know of being bulimic, of if you are struggling with this disease yourself, seek help immediately. A medical professional can show you the first steps to getting healthy once again or give you tips on how to help a friend. Support groups and national organizations are available to help you through this difficult time. Every year, many people die as a result of bulimia, so don’t wait to get the help you need for yourself or those you love.

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