How to Tell If Your Stretch Mark Cream Is for Real
January 5th, 2011 by Aldouspi

How to Tell If Your Stretch Mark Cream Is for Real

If you have finally had enough of your stretch marks and you are ready to take drastic action, the odds are good that you are investing all avenues, including the use of stretch mark creams and lotions advertised on the Internet. You will be surprised to learn just how many different companies are vying for your business, and as such it is not at all rare to even have competing products of the same manufacturer being aggressively marketed by a variety of resellers.

Yet how will you know if your stretch mark cream really is all it is cracked up to be? If you have not already purchased the cream but are still considering it alongside several others, here are some surefire ways to tell if the product is for real or if you are being taken to the cleaners:
1.Claims made by the manufacturer are based on studies commissioned by this very company and have not been reviewed by independent laboratories or other credible third parties, such as the FDA, the AMA, or even individual physicians who are not ashamed to lend their names and reputations to the success of the product. Some manufacturers seek to get around this stipulation by citing copious studies but do not divulge the name of the laboratory where these studies took place, unless specifically asked for it in writing. Hiding behind bogus claims of trying to thwart industrial espionage that could harm their ability to profit from their breakthrough formula, these manufacturers may sometimes require you to sign several non-compete and secrecy documents in exchange for the name of the lab. Thus, even if you were to find irregularities in the research, you will be barred from making them public.
2.Only one study is used to support any and all claims as to the effectiveness of the stretch mark cream.
3.The website where you are thinking of purchasing the product quite visibly advertises for resellers to come onboard.
4.Several claims are made that even to the most hopeful individual sound like they might be too good to be even remotely truthful. With diet products these usually refer to claims that you can “eat what you want and lose weight while you sleep” while stretch mark lotions will generally speak of “lose stretch marks and other skin blemishes every time you apply the cream.”
5.Last but not least on the list that helps you to tell if your stretch mark cream is for real points to the use of extremely complex medical facts and then distilling them to showcase medical support for fantastic assertions made with respect to a stretch mark cream. A case in point is magnetism or even the idea of vitamin O as the answer to stretch mark woes.

If you notice that your stretch mark cream might fall into any of these categories, the odds are good that it is not for real. Do not waste your money on a dubious product, even if alleged money back guarantee make it look like a great deal. More often than not there is a long paragraph of fine print that seeks to protect the manufacturer from any losses brought upon them by someone returning the product.

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