An Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatment – Acupuncture
July 19th, 2010 by Aldouspi

An Alternative Fibromyalgia Treatment: Acupuncture

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that affects thousands of people, and yet no cure is available and treatments often only provide slight temporary relieve from pain. Those who suffer from this condition have widespread musculoskeletal pain, especially at joins, and this causes stiffness, sleeping problems, and fatigue. As patients are increasingly eager to try alternative medicine techniques, fibromyalgia’s response to acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medical arts are being studied. Many with this disorder who have tried acupuncture have had wonderful results when acupuncture is used in conjunction with tradition treatments. If you or someone you love suffers from fibromyalgia, research and consider using acupuncture to help relieve the symptoms.

Acupuncture is well tolerated with minimal side effects, so patients who participate in this medical treatment will at least leave the doctor’s office no worse than when they arrived. Acupuncturists use long needles that are about the thickness of a hair to stimulate certain areas of the body. You may feel a slight pinch as they are inserted, but when done properly, acupuncture is both safe and painless. It is important to use a certified acupuncturist for this very reason.

Fibromyalgia patients receive treatment specifically to help their condition. The acupuncturist will insert needles, and possibly use cupping or warming techniques, at specific points on the body, said to be connected to the specific energies causing the joint pain. This process takes a relatively short amount of time, and many patients have said that they feel instantly relieved of pain after a treatment. Others, however, seem to feel no relief at all. Acupuncture can be expensive, so be sure this is the option for you before beginning a set of treatments. Many patients have said that this technique works best with repeated treatments, so realize this could be an expense that you must include in your weekly budget.

Acupuncture as a response to fibromyalgia is still being studied. There is little scientific data to support the opinion that it truly helps patients with the disorder. Studies are difficult to carry out, since many will site the placebo effect as a cause for pain relief (that is, patients think they are definitely being helped, so they believe it, even if it does not truly help them). Before seeking an acupuncturist to help you with the side effects of fibromyalgia, speak with your traditional doctor. He or she can give you more information about this technique and point you to a certified acupuncture practitioner as well.

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