Stress is deleterious for each and every single person that experiences it. A large proportion of the negative affect of stress is from the hormone cortisol that is produced in response to stress. Some of the negative effects of excess cortisol include:
– Excess cortisol decreases immunity
– It inhibits digestion
– It creates a pro-inflammatory state in the body
– It breaks down muscle
– It can lead to excessive fat gain on the stomach
These are just some of the problems of excessive cortisol. What we need to do are learn ways to manage cortisol and improve our health. Here are the 7 steps we have found to be most useful for managing cortisol.
More on Cortisol
Cortisol is an component that is naturally produced within the body and is attributed as a major cause of belly fat. Cortisol tends to increase when stressed, leading to a rise in fat cells, particularly in the stomach. A weight loss supplement that is classified as a cortisol blocker works to help fend off and prevent cortisol production in the body.
Vitamin C, known mainly for cold or flu protection and antioxidant properties, may decrease cortisol levels. A study by Marsit, et al showed a reduction in cortisol levels in elite weightlifters taking 1000 mg. of vitamin C per day. Other studies have reported similar findings.
Stress-induced obesity has been associated with several harmful health effects, including high blood pressure and hypoglycemia. Long-term effects of stress and weight gain can include heart disease and diabetes. Fortunately, there are some effective ways to deal with stress and correct these life-threatening problems. Walking for 45 minutes three times a week and taking 1,000-3,000 milligrams of fish oil daily is one of the most effective ways to manage stress levels and control your weight. Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can help increase your tolerance for stress and lower your cortisol levels.
Because cortisol is responsible for many functions in the body, such as helping to maintain blood pressure, reducing inflammation, balancing the effects of insulin and regulating metabolism, an excessive amount produces various symptoms.
Many patients over the age of 40, male and female, have some degree of adrenal dysfunction. Even if it’s not to the degree where it is significantly causing symptoms, it is helpful to catch adrenal dysfunction at an early stage to prevent this condition from getting worse. Only a 4-point saliva cortisol test can accurately measure fluctuating cortisol. Many patients have symptoms that can be related to less than optimal thyroid function, and thyroid function is significantly affected by cortisol and progesterone level.
1. Sleep 7-9 hours per night
This is the simplest yet definitely not the easiest tip. Many of our clients have trouble fitting this into their lives. However if your health is a priority this is one of the best things you can do.
2. Have a grateful log
An attitude of gratitude is one of the best ways to improve both your physical and mental well being. The best way to do this is to have a gratitude journal. Simply right down 3-5 things each night that you are grateful for and notice the difference in your life. What you appreciate, appreciates so you will have more and more to be grateful for.
3. Reduce stimulant use, particularly after 2pm
This one is hard for many people as so many people are addicted to caffeine and suffer from severe energy drops when they reduce it. The problem with caffeine consumption after 2pm is that it will affect your ability to go to sleep and therefore your cortisol.
4. Avoid highly inflammatory foods.
Foods that create inflammation such as gluten, dairy and others create a strong cortisol reaction. If you are serious about your health you will identify what foods don’t agree with you and eliminate them. This does not have to be the usual suspects like dairy and wheat, but any food can cause problems. I had one client who had severe reactions to chicken of all things!
5. Go on a smart phone/social media diet
The constant distractions that these tools provide do 2 things: they kill productivity (leading to stress about what needs to be done) and they affect our neurotransmitters and our hormonal function. If you limit their use to 15 minutes blocks per day you will see significant improvements in well being.
6. Meditate
Meditation has been proven to help control the stress response. As little as 5 minutes has positive effects.
7. Take green tea
Green tea is a veritable superfood with 100’s of benefits. Taking a few cups of green tea will help your body detoxify, destroy free radicals, deal with stress and lose bodyfat. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Follow the previous 7 steps and learn to make stress disappear from your life.
Paul Meldrum has been training clients for over 10 years. He specialises in fat loss, muscle gain and rehabilitation. He was the winner of the 05/06 Personal Trainer of the year award. To download his 10 Steps to Fat Loss E Book visit http://dchealthperformance.com.au/
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