Risky Behavior ? The Risks of Acupuncture
Oct 30th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Risky Behavior – The Risks of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a very safe technique, despite the scary stereotypes that are associated with the use of needles. Although you may not enjoy the thought of being pricked by many needles, the procedure is very safe. However, many real risks are associated with acupuncture, as with any medical practice or any activity in which you insert a needle into your skin. Before starting an acupuncture treatment, be sure to understand these risks and learn what you can do to minimize these dangers of acupuncture.

First, always be completely honest with your acupuncturist about your medical history. An acupuncturist may mix herbal teas for you to drink to help with the treatment-if you are allergic to any of these substances, it is important to tell your acupuncturist before the session even begins. Even if you do not drink anything the acupuncturist has mixed, he or she may still have some residue of the herb in question on tools or on her hands, which could cause an allergic reaction if it comes into contact with points on your skin where the needles are being inserted.

A risk that many people worry about is unsterilized needles. This is a valid concern, as horrific diseases like AIDS are transferred in this manner. However, licensed acupuncturists are required to use sterile needles, just as licensed tattoo artists are required to do. Make sure that your acupuncturist is using new needles at the beginning of the session. You should see him or her take them out of the packaging.

There is also the risk of puncturing a lung or injuring another vital organ with needles that are too long. Rest assured that professional needles are of an appropriate length for that vast majority of people. If you are still worried, ask for hand acupuncture instead of treatment in your back of abdomen. Regardless, this kind of acupuncture should not be used if you are pregnant.

After your treatment, some people (very few) notice bruising, bleeding, nerve desensitization, and muscle spasms. This is very rare, but not a reason to panic. Know that all of these conditions indicate that your acupuncturist is using a technique that is not correct for your body. Understand that every body is different, so speak with him or her about any pain or discomfort you are feeling. Acupuncture is supposed to help you feel better. Although there are risks, overall acupuncture is a very beneficial technique for most people.

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