Diabetes Defined
Jul 9th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Diabetes Defined

Diabetes is a chronic disease that is characterized by distorted metabolism and increased blood sugar levels that lead to lower insulin levels. The symptoms of Diabetes can mask themselves to appear to be many other disorders and go undetected for many years. Diabetic screenings are important because early diagnosis and treatment greatly increase the quality of life of those that have the disease.

Being diagnosed with Diabetes may leave you very unhappy and afraid. However if you are willing to make a few lifestyle changes you will be able to live with Diabetes. Listen to the instructions that your doctor gives you and don’t give into peer pressure that may come when dining out or at social functions.

There are three different types of Diabetes. Gestational Diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 Diabetes is caused by the destruction of pancreatic beta cells which occurs because of an autoimmune attack. This form of Diabetes is not preventable and accounts for about 10 percent of the cases of Diabetes Mellitus in North America and Europe. This form a Diabetes is found in both children and adults and is what people are referring to when they talk about juvenile diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes can be successfully treated by diligently monitoring blood glucose levels and adding insulin to the body. Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes can require insulin and death or Diabetic coma can result if there is a rapid drop in insulin. While Diabetes can not be completely cured, the quality of life one lives when they have Diabetes can be improved by taking the proper measures to care for themselves.

Type 1 Diabetes is best managed by exercise and diet. People with Diabetes must be aware of glucose levels and be sure that insulin is replaced by injections or an insulin pump. Glucose levels should be around 80-120 mg/dl, 4-6mmol. However if hypoglycemic episodes are common then doctors may suggest that the glucose levels be kept higher.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is different from Type 1 Diabetes because it occurs because of insulin resistance or insulin sensitivity and the bodies decreased insulin production. Type 2 Diabetes is common in people that are obese, elderly, have a family history and do not exercise.

Type 1 Diabetics must use medication because their bodies not longer make insulin. However, Type 2 Diabetics have a few different options when it comes to keeping their condition under control. Exercise and diet may be enough to keep Type 2 Diabetes under control but insulin and oral medications might also be included in treatment.

There are many different treatment options when it comes to Diabetes but the most important part of the equation is the patient them self. Diabetes is chronic but that does not mean that it is a lost cause. There are plenty of ways to keep the body healthy when you have Diabetes. The Diabetic is the most important factor in fight the side effects of the disease.

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